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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 0425

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 0425



由华人开发商刘明刚领导的爱心地產开发公司 把一栋已成废墟的联邦邮政总局改造成為休斯敦欢光文化商业之新地标 一时成為地產界之佳话

休斯敦联邦邮政总局佔地十六英亩 建筑面积是五十五万平方英尺 联邦政府是在二O一四年转售给刘明刚所属之地產公司

主持这项重建工程的刘明刚之子Kirby 刘表示 他决心把这个老的邮局在有的建筑基础上改建為餐饮 文艺演出 办公空间及创造一座五英亩之屋顶空中花园 也是全美最大的一个大花园

今天上午我有幸参观了这座改建后的大楼 走进色彩繽纷的食街 来自各国不同族裔的美食佳餚 齐满了携幼扶老的全家大小在长桌上亨受美食

走到顶楼广塲 这个佔地广大之平台 不但种満了各种花卉及树木 眺望休斯敦市中心的高楼大厦 尽收眼底 不但令人心矌神怡 微风徐徐 也激起对刘明刚先生之敬意和钦佩 也是我们华人的骄傲

Houston’s New Tourist Landmark

The 550,000 square-foot former Houston Post Office building has undergone a major innovation by Lovett Commercial Development Company that has remodeled the space into a multi-use project that includes a food court, a concert hall, office space and rooftop gardens.

Lovett Commercial’s Director of Development and Project Manager Kirby Liu said the firm took on the redevelopment project as a showcase for reusing old buildings rather than tearing them down and as a way to rebel against the strip mall concept.

Built in 1961, the former post office was named after the first Black congresswoman Barbara Jordan. This morning we had an opportunity to visit the POST’s food project that is open to all different ethnic groups. We were in the big hall where many people were enjoying their meals with their families.  

Walking on the rooftop of the building, this vast space is full of all kinds of flowers and overlooks the sprawling skyline of downtown Houston.

We are certainly happy that Mr. Liu’s family has brought such a wonderful project to Houston. We are very proud of you.