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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 0505

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 0505



美国居民自二O二一年以来不断城中区移居到郊区 大约有三分之二的城中区人口正在下降之中 在一项调查报告中平均有二十五万居民向迁入效区

主要原因是在疫情期间许多人都是居家办公大家希望在郊区找到更大空间和较便宜的住房 远距离办公似乎己成常态 尤其是在东部首都华府及纽约 许多人都在往郊区搬迁 由于此种趋势使得郊区房价不断上升 新屋也已供不应求

自从俄乌战争之后 全球経济面对巨大挑战 欧洲各国遭遇能源短缺 世界各地资金继续往美国集中 美国联邦储备银行不断升息 大量资金涌入 投资人对於投资地產仍是首选 但是由于原材料价格不断上涨 就以大休斯敦地区而言 平均房价己上涨百分之三十以上 这是从未发生过的现象

美国期中选举之号角已响起 前总统川普正在蠢蠢欲动 其支持之共和党人已频传捷报 拜登政府之民主党正面临严峻挑战 倘若在国会参眾议院失守, 成為跛脚总统无异

当城中市民不断移出 也是民主党票之流失 在郊区及郷镇地区共和党较有优势

我们非常悲痛的得知 全美已経有一百万人因新冠病毒失去生命 同时也改变了全人类生活方式 这一百万人代表了一百万个以上的家庭 她们的悲伤又能向何人说呢

Americans Are Moving To The Suburbs

Since February 2021, the American people have been migrating to the suburbs. About two-thirds of the population in the urban areas of many cities are declining. Surveys show that an average of 250,000 people move to nearby suburbs annually.

The main reason is that many people have worked from home during the pandemic. Everyone hopes to find more and larger space and cheaper rent in the suburbs. It seems normal to work remotely, especially in the Washington, D.C. and New York City areas. Due to this trend, housing prices in the suburbs have been rising. There is also a shortage of new houses. 

Since the Russia-Ukraine war, global economics is facing a big challenge. European countries have encountered energy shortages while the money continues to stay in the U.S. where the inflation is high and the Federal Reserve Bank continues to increase the interest rates. The investors’ first choice is still in real estate due to the rising price of building materials. Just in the Houston area alone, the price of houses rose close to least 30 % which has never happened before.

We are saddened to learn that one million people in our nation have lost their lives due to Covid-19. That represents more than one million families, but who can they blame?

The mid-term election is coming up. Unless President Biden can change the current situation in the economy, democrats might be on the losing end of the vote. In the Congress that means that Biden will become a lame-duck president. He definitely has harmed our country in many ways.