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社评 0613 我们已经受够了

社评 0613   我们已经受够了


上週六 成千上万的怒吼民众结集在首都华府独立记念碑及全美各大主要城市 发出巨大之怒 严正抗议政府及国会对於目前在各地发生的集体枪杀事件束手无策

华府首都市长鲍泽在大会上高喊:“我们家都受够了”,她说,“我以市长 妈妈及代表千百万的国民要求国会立即採取行动来保护我们及孩童们受到枪杀。”

全国生命保障协会也是游行之发起人洪基表示:“如果政府无法再阻止十九名学童被枪杀之悲剧 我们就请他们下台。”

当时在洛杉磯主持美洲首长会议的拜登总统发表谈话希望游行继续进行 他对於国会立法表示比较乐观

金恩博士之孙女夷兰大也在大会上大声疾呼此时此地我们不分党派 也没有任何政治立场 这是一个道德勇气和行动之问题

老实说 最近一连串在全美各地不断上演的枪杀悲剧 已経成為政府施政及民主共和两党政治角力的最大问题 在全国民众之极大压力之下 国会诸公為了保住席位 必然要做出

全国步枪协会目前正在发动攻势 要求保守之共和党及许多他们给予政治捐款议员要死守阵地 他们始终相信宪法赋予人民有拥枪之权利

今天我们的政治运作 已经和金钱全面掛勾 许多议员都在金主之支持下 做出有利於各种利益团体之决定 枪支管制就是最明显之例証

We Have Had Enough

Thousands of people rallied on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. and across the nation last Saturday in a push for gun control after recent deadly mass shootings in Buffalo, New York, and Uvalde, Texas.

The mayor of Washington, D.C. Muriel Bowser told the crowd, “Enough is enough. I speak as mayor, a mom and I speak for millions of Americans and America’s mayors who are demanding that Congress do its job. And its job is to protect us and to protect our children from gun violence.”

As co-founder of the “March For Our Life” organization that was created after the Parkland, Florida, shooting in 2018, Mr. David Hogg said, “If our government can’t do anything to stop 19 kids from being killed and slaughtered in their school, it’s time to change who is in government.”

Yolanda King, granddaughter of Martin Luther King, Jr., said, “This time is different because this isn’t about the politics. It’s about morality. Not right or left, but right and wrong, and that doesn’t just mean thoughts and prayers, that means courage and action.”

To be honest, the recent series of shooting tragedies in many parts of the country has become the biggest problem and political issue between the two political parties. Now under great pressure from the people, Congress must take action in the very near future.

The National Rifle Association is currently launching an offensive demanding that the conservative member of Congress hold their position on gun control. They have always believed that the U.S. Constitution gives the people the right to own a gun or weapon. The association is a big campaign donor to many politicians. We very much regret that our politics is so driven by the money these days.