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社评0615 我们踏进第四 十三个年头

社评0615   我们踏进第四 十三个年头

大道不孤 德必有邻


过去四十三个寒暑 我们踏过了整个新大陆 一股坚强不拔的毅力 共同打拼的伙伴 我们在一次又一次的艰苦奋战中继续前进 美南新闻非常骄傲地䇄立於美洲大陆上

我们始终是稟持着见水搭桥见山开路之精神 面对未来之挑战 从传统媒体印刷事业走进电视新传媒 我们从来不敢怠惰 永远站在革新求变的道路继续探索 实现更新更高之目标

近二十年前 我们创立了休斯敦国际贸易中心以及经过德州州议员立案通过成立的国际区 在两大平台之支撑下 今天在座的我的夫人膝权先生 卡比地大使 金诺威共同主席 罗德索教授都是曾经共同参与贡献心力的创始人群 今天我们要非常欣慰地向大家宣佈 这个非营利的贸易中心曾经為一万五千个中小企业举办过上千次的各型座谈会 结合了美国商务部 小商业局 进出口银行 举办了各项金融 投资 贸易等项目交流会


我也要在此正式宣佈為了庆祝休斯敦国际贸易中心成立十五週年纪念 我们决定於九月二十三日星期期五举办一连串之非洲高峯会及国际小姐选美慈善晚会 届时将邀请政商领袖社会人士共襄盛举 并将颁发奬助学金 捐款给本塔社区医院 敬请大家期待

今天的国际贸易中心 我们住有不同族裔商会 包括菲利宾 加勒比海 巴基斯坦 华裔 衣索比亚总领事馆 几内亚总领事馆及联合国协会等机构

歷史是个巨大的 我们始终相信大道不孤德必有隣” 我们在此要向大家致上最深切之感恩之情 如此众多之兄弟姊妹们我们将永远不会孤单 再次谢谢各位之光临 更希望九月二十三日我们再次相聚共庆国际贸易中心之生日

The Road Is Not Lonely, Virtue Must Have Neighbors.

We Have Stepped Into The Forty=Three Years.

In the past forty-three years we, as a group of strong teams, have continued to move forward again and again. Today, Southern News Group stands very proudly on this beautiful land.

Over the past several years, we have been standing on the road of innovation, continuing to explore and have achieved a new digital goal, having moved from the traditional print media to a new television and social media format. We have always maintained the spirit of seeing the water and building the bridge, and when you face the mountain, open the road.

Nearly twenty years ago we founded the International Trade Center and the International District through approval by the State of Texas legislators. With these two platforms we built the International District which has become one of the top economic models in the City of Houston. The International Trade Center, a non-profit 501(c) (3) organization, teamed up with the U.S. Department of Commerce Commercial Service and the SBA Import Export Bank to sponsor thousands of seminars for more than 15,000 businesses. Today, the ITC is home for many chambers of commerce, including the Philippine Chamber of Commerce, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, the Caribbean Chamber of Commerce, the Pakistan Chamber of Commerce, the United Nations Association and the Consulate Generals of Ethiopia and the Republic of Guinea. 🇬🇳

Today, I also want to make an official announcement. In order to celebrate the International Trade Center’s 15-year anniversary, we will host the Texas African Summit and the Miss International Beauty Pageant Charity Gala on Friday, September 23rd at the Grand Tusca Hotel.

History is like a huge wheel. We always have believed that, “The road is not lonely, there must be neighbors.” We must express our deepest gratitudes to you, my better half, Mrs. Lee, Glen Gondo, our co-chairs Gary Randazzo and Jim Noteware and Ambassador Kebede. Because of your contributions, we are still standing here.