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社评0622 為贫穷者呐喊

社评0622  為贫穷者呐喊


数以万计的游示者上週在首都华盛顿手举牌子游行至宾州大道上, 疾呼要大家注视贫穷及低收入者在公共卫生 住宅 暴力 堕胎 劳工待遇各方面面临之不公平对待 他们并高举把资本主义埋葬起来之标语

诚然 ,今天我们的社会経济之发展 早已呈现贫富悬殊之不对等状况 这个社会之大部分财富是撑握在极少数人手中 而百分之七十五以上的美国人都处於寅吃卯粮之窘境

许多美国人是生而不平等之家庭中成长 他们的父母离异 童年时在单亲父或母之环境中成长 单亲家庭靠政府补助生活困难 自然无法得到完整之教育机会 换言之 他们在起跑点线上已经落伍了 许多人在他们的整个人生过程中 多半是以体力来谋

政府资源分配有待加强 我们是个资本主义之国家 一切是向钱看 在全美国近五千家银行中 只有近七十家属於亚太平洋裔社区 要成立一家金融机构 不但手续繁复而且要求条件非常苛严 对少数民族社区而言 得到政府在资金上之奥援顕然不易 尤其是非裔及拉丁裔之情况更糟了

因此我们要呼吁政府為了拯救社会贫富不均必须从根做起 教育乃国家之百年大计我们支持拜登总统计划把全国社区大学改為全部免费入学 重新分配对中小企业资金之货款方式為少数族裔增开银行金融贷款机 这才是国家资源之再次公平分配

Shout Out For The Poor

Tens of thousands of people marched down Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C. last week and shouted out for everyone to pay attention to the unfair treatment faced by the poor and low income people in public health and housing who daily face violence, illegal abortions and poor labor treatment. The crowd held high a slogan that read, “Burn Capitalism in America!”

Admittedly, today’s society and economy has long been unequal with the gap between rich and poor. Most of the wealth in this country is in the hands of a few people.

Many young Americans have grown up in broken families and many live in home environments with a single parent. For their entire childhood, because of economic challenges, they rarely complete their education. In other words, they are behind at the starting point in the job market with few or no skills, so most of them spend their lifetimes working at unskilled labor jobs.

The allocation of government resources also needs to be distributed equally. We are a capitalist country. Everything depends on money. According to recent statistics, we have nearly 4,500 banks in America, but we only have 72 banks that belong to the Asian Pacific community. It is very difficult to establish a bank, and it is not only complicated, but it also requires that very strict conditions must be met.

We are here to urge President Biden to change the community college system and allow free enrollment for all. Let all the people get a better education and a better chance to be a success.

When we talk about business opportunities, people need financial assistance. We need to help the African and Asian communities to enable them to start their own businesses.

Wealth distribution has become one of the most important social issues these days. Unless we take care of the poor in our society, there will inevitably be more social problems.