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社评0625 国会将通过新控枪法案

社评0625   国会将通过新控枪法案



在参议院経过两党之全面协商 週四晚间已経取得共和党之支持通过了枪支修正案 其中包括以七亿五千万之特别预算来支持心理諮商学校安全 紧急支援及青少年之犯罪背景资料检查

在此法案中并将特别审查十八至二十一岁之间之青少年购枪的审查程序 并关闭所谓男女朋友关係之漏洞

参议院是以六十五对三十三票通过了修正案 眾议院将於週五上午集会来表决以便迅速交由总统签署生效

我们对此法案之通过举双手赞成 多年来枪支氾滥造成之大型屠杀事件已经造成社会之严重治安事件 而且肇事兇手多半是青少年 这简直是令人匪夷所思 為什这些未满二十一岁的问题青年会如此容易拿到枪械来犯罪

这个新的法律将加大对购枪者背景调查之力度 尤其是对那些有犯罪纪录及家庭暴力的人 决不可詪他们持枪犯案

我们要感谢参眾议院之各位立法诸公 你们总算有此共识為民解难 减少对社会不安之恐袭

Bipartisan Gun Bill Passes In Congress

The U.S. Senate’s compromise legislation on gun safety is the most significant new federal gun safety law in decades.

It includes money for school safety, mental health, across-state intervention programs and incentives for states to include juvenile records in the National Instant Criminal Background Check System which will provide more comprehensive checks for those between the ages of 18 to 21 who want to buy a gun.

In the bill there are $750 million to help the states implement and run crisis intervention management programs, the red flag program which are designed to keep guns out of the hands of those who pose a threat to themselves or others.

This legislation closes a year-old loophole in a domestic violence law that barred individuals who had been convicted of domestic violence crimes against spouses or partners with whom they shared children, or cohabitated with, from having guns. The bill goes after individuals who sell guns as primary sources of income, but have previously evaded registering as federally licensed dealers who are required to administer background checks before they sell a gun to someone.

The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 65-33. The House of Representatives will take action to send the bill to President Biden to sign it into law.

The large scale massacres caused by the flood of guns over the years has became the most serious public security issue in our society. This bill may not solve the whole problem, but at least will let all the people feel better.