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社评 0704 德州子弹高铁列车 重现商机

社评 0704 德州子弹高铁列车 重现商机

德州子弹高铁列车 重现商机

德州高院上次裁定在休斯敦和达拉斯间之高铁兴建计划, 可以徵收私人土地 这个判决给予高铁重生之机会

这项已经策划了十多年的高铁子弹列车计划 将耗资三百亿元 在时速超过二百英里之高铁上 休士顿达拉斯只需九十分鐘 大大地缩短了两地交通之时间 并将底改变德州未来的面貌

我们举双手赞成这项子弹列车计划 可以从交通和経济方面作出重大之贡献

德州是全美佔地第二大州地广人稀 其主要城市休士顿 达拉斯 奥斯丁及圣安东尼四大城市只有飞机及汽车相通 从休士顿到达拉斯即便没有交通阻塞至少要四个半小时州府奥斯汀近年来特斯拉及世界五百强不断搬入 现有之公路早已不敷使用

这条子弾列车之建成 将把所有城市变為一日生活圈 立即缩短交通时间并且大大觧除二九 O 及四十五号公路之压力

此项子弹列车计划 是一项私人民营工程 赖联邦政府之大力支持和贷款 我们提倡国家基础建设 这应该是优先考量之一项大工程

Future Of The Bullet Train Between Houston And Dallas

Just last week, a divided Texas Supreme Court gave the Texas Bullet Train the power to seize private property if needed to establish the 240-mile passenger rail corridor between Dallas and Houston. It is the nation’s first bullet train and the ruling comes amid financial uncertainty for the $30 billion dollar project.

With the company now having eminent domain authority, the investment will emerge to get the project back on the track.

Some of the property owners were dismayed and disappointed that their land will be forced to be sold in the future.

If this train can be built, it would travel at a speed of up to 200 miles per hour and enable passengers to commute between Dallas and Houston in about 90 minutes.

We are fully in favor of supporting the bullet train. The project will bring economic prosperity to the region and will play a vital role in the most important infrastructure in the United States.

Our national infrastructure has been out of date for many decades. We urge President Biden to help Texas build the bullet train to set an example as the first and major infrastructure project for our nation.