社评 0708 日本前首相安倍遇刺身亡

前首相安倍晋三在日本奈良县一塲户外的助选演说中被人开枪近距离射中其胸部后 ,在送医过程中还有意识, 其后心肺停止,终於伤势过重, 不治死亡。
嫌疑人山上彻也当场被捕, 日本内阁召开紧急会议, 处理可能发生之其他变故。
安倍家族曾经出过三位首相, 分别是安倍晋三 ,其外祖父岸信介,外叔祖父佐籐荣作。
他的去世引起国际社会之高度关注,这位日本歷史上在任最久的首相从 未料到死於刺客枪下。
两年前英国保守党在约翰逊之带领下, 取得首相宝座, 如今他将辞去党魁之职, 意味着他将离开唐寧街首相官邸 掛冠而去。
这位主导英国离开欧盟的首相 终於抵不过党内及社会压力, 他的副党魁因喝太多被指猥褻两名男子, 今年四月在英国封城期间公然在唐寧衔开派对, 时至今日, 英国通货膨胀飈升 ,高达百分之九点一, 虽然不是他的个人责任 ,但是他一直大力支持乌克兰对抗俄罗斯之战争而引起之后果。
约翰逊之辞职迅速成為世界大新闻, 俄罗斯方面表示 ,约翰逊不喜欢我们,我们也不喜欢他 。许多政界人士批评他是以羞耻方式结束 ,因他坚持脱欧而大大影响了英国和欧洲之关係。
这位记者出身的首相在辞职演说中表示,他对於无法完成这麼多的构想 和计划感到很痛苦。
近三年来由于新冠疫情及俄乌战争, 这位首相可谓出尽风头 ,也是首位访问乌克兰之外国元首。
我们对於接任首相之人选尚未确定 ,但是世界局势之动乱将不会停息, 这个曾经是日不落国的帝国如今已渐衰落, 国内外繁事如麻 ,不论何人出来领导 ,也决非易事。
Former Japanese Prime Minister Abe Shot Dead
Shinzo Abe, former Japanese Prime Minister, who served the longest time in history, was shot dead Friday at a train station while making a campaign speech for a parliamentary candidate.
Abe was shot from behind as he was starting his speech. He was rushed to the hospital, but he died hours later.
Police arrested a 41-year-old man, Tetsuya Yamagami, and confiscated a homemade gun.
Abe, 67, was one of the most influential politicians in Japan. With his so-called Abenomics, he tried to improve the country's national economy. In the meantime, he also tried to revise the constitution to allow Japan a more active military.
British Prime Minister Resigns
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced his resignation as the leader of the Conservative party, but will temporarily act as prime minister until a new leader is elected. Johnson felt very distressed that he could not continue to deliver on his promise to voters. He said, “Millions voted for us in 2019, many for the first time. I want to say to these millions thank you for your incredible support. It is, of course, very painful to be unable to complete many ideas and plans.”
The Conservative party that still holds a sizeable majority in the UK parliament will elect a replacement and that person will become the fourth prime minister in the six years since the Brexit referendum of 2016.
Johnson will always be known at home and in the rest of the world as one of the main architects of Brexit.