社评0709 就业市场仍然强劲

根据劳工部今天公佈之数字显示, 上个月六月份美国経济增加了三十七万二千个就业机会, 超出了华尔街之预期。
目前全国失业率仍然在百分之三点六 ,比华尔街预期增加二十五万之数字多出许多, 增加最多的是商业休閒及健康產业。
专家们认為劳工市场仍然旺盛, 虽然大家担心経济衰退,但就业市塲还是非常强劲。
六月份亚裔失业率是百分之三 ,黑人是百分之五点八 ,西裔百分之四点三, 而白人失业率是百分之三点三, 事实上 ,就业情况是十分良好。
就失业率数字看来, 経济衰退似乎还未到,但是中央储备银行对於通货膨胀十分担忧, 继续加息之手段可以不会停止以抑制通货膨胀。
不过 ,通货膨胀已经是世界性之大问题, 尤其是在贫穷国家更是严重, 诸如锡兰卡之群眾包围了总统府, 民不聊生是人民推翻政府之动力。
The U.S. Economy Is Still Creating Jobs
According to the Labor Department, the U.S. economy created 372,000 jobs in June, beating Wall Street predictions, despite slowing growth.
The national unemployment rate held at 3.6%. The strong areas are in professional and business leisure and hospitality and the health care sectors.
The economy had created 384,000 jobs in May and 368,000 in April.
Economists believe the labor market is still running strong. In the whole report, the unemployment rate for Asians increased to 3% in June, for whites to 3.3% and for blacks to 5.8%.
The average hourly rate rose by 10 cents to $32.08.
Judging from the unemployment rate figures, the economic recession seems to have not yet arrived, but the Federal Reserve Bank is very worried about inflation. They want to continue to raise the interest rate to curb inflation,
However, inflation is a global problem, especially in poor countries. Sri Lankans recently stormed the presidential residence after months of protests over the country’s high prices.
It is very sad and the situation is getting unmanageable in many parts of the world. The leaders of all countries need to rethink the situation and consider all the people that are really suffering.