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社评0712 德州休斯敦経济前景

社评0712    德州休斯敦経济前景


儘管経济学者认為美国正在承受四十年来最的通货膨胀高利息及商业贷款利率高涨 假如全国遭到経济衰退 虽然德州难逃同样命运 但是休斯敦地区还是十分强劲 根据达拉斯联邦储蓄银行表示 在大休斯敦地区市场仍然十分活跃 许多大小商业仍然招聘员工

一些商店表示 他们的客因為运输问题而无法补足货源 基本上还是货柜运输问题

今天德州之経济 由於外州人不断之迁入 因此刺激了全面性之経済繁荣 包括地產及新公司之就业机会 虽然近来利息不断上涨 但是新房子还是供不应求

我们可以预期 即便是経济下滑 还是有许多人会往德州迁移 主要原因是德州地大物博 没有州个人所得税 房价位比两岸都低廉 譬如许多加州居民出售了自己之住宅 不但有能力买到一间宽敞住宅而且还有资金创业 其中在休斯敦国际区百利大道上最為名显

从美国以往経济衰退的情况 许多亚裔及移民社区所受影响比较轻微 主要是他们所从事的多半是小型商业 诸如餐厅商塲多半是有固定之消费群

拜登总统即将出访沙乌地及以色列等中东地区 主要是寻求石油增產之要求以便解决严重的石油涨价问题 这也是造成通货膨胀之罪魁祸首

我们衷心希望拜登政府能化兇為吉 力挽狂澜 不会使経济陷入危机 是人生之福也

Texas Economy Is Not So Gloomy

With inflation at the highest level in 40 years, it brings higher and rising interest rates that increase the borrowing cost for a new house which is holding most people back. Predictions are that the recession is coming, but in Texas and Houston, state and local economies are carrying considerable momentum and should keep the growth going throughout the year.

According to the Dallas Federal Reserve Bank, demand for goods and services remain strong, despite the high gasoline prices.

Texas still has so many people that have moved here simply because they came here looking for a better opportunity, especially in the new immigrant community. Most of them have come from the states of California and New York.

When we look back at recessions in history, the local Asian community has a different kind of economy because they are running small businesses like restaurants and food markets. Those are businesses that local residents depend on.

President Biden will travel to the Middle East soon and ask for energy help. We all are so happy to see the price of gasoline coming down.