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社评 0722 拜登总统确诊

社评 0722   拜登总统确诊


白宫在一项声明中指出,拜登总统週四上午确诊新冠病毒 但是情况轻微总统因接了四次疫苗接种目前正在吃新冠特效药并将在白宫隔离继续执行各项工作计划

七十九岁的拜登总统目前并没有发烧状况,只有些微的乾咳及流鼻涕 第一夫人在底特律告诉记者说她刚和总统通话总统说他的感觉良好

这是拜登总统自新冠疫情爆发以来第一次感染他在二O二一年元月就任总统前已经打过第针, 之后还不断打过加强针, 总统本来计划到各地之访问势必取消

刚从中东访问回来 他曾经接触及和眾多人握手互动白宫已经通知那些曾经和拜登接触过的人群


新冠疫情之挥之不去 顕然给拜登政府继续带来极大之困扰 尤其目前国内外局势正处於纷乱阶段尤其是通货膨胀是全民最关心之焦点如果处理不当民主党将在期中选举中遭遇重创

我们希望总统早日康復 更期盼早日控制物价能解除民间经济压力

President Biden Tests Positive For Covid-19

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said, “President Biden has tested positive for Covid-19 and is experiencing mild symptoms.”

This is the first time Biden has tested positive for Covid-19. He is fully vaccinated and twice booted. He has begun taking Paxlovid, Pfizer’s antiviral drug.

President Biden will stay consistent with CDC guidelines. He will isolate at the White House and will continue to carry out all of his official duties fully during that time. Senior officials said there are no plans and no need to transfer executive powers to Vice President Harris.

The President’s positive diagnosis comes less than a week after his visit to the Middle East where he held several meetings with world leaders. 

We all hope President Biden will have a speedy recovery with the Covid. In the meantime, many issues are facing our country. The most important and pressing issue is inflation that is causing so much pain for all of us.

For many people, the high prices for food and gas are the main concerns in their daily lives. Hopefully, the president can take measures to improve the situation. Otherwise, the Democratic Party will face a major challenge in the upcoming midterm elections.