社评 0727 缅甸军政府处死政敌

如此山明水秀產物富饶之土地,沦落至世界上最贫穷之国家之一, 是何原因 ,缅甸人正等待大家的援手。
( 图片来源: 路透社)
Myanmar Military Leaders Execute Former Lawmakers And Political Prisoners
Myanmar military leaders Monday announced that they executed four anti-coup activists including a former lawmaker. This is the first time the government has used the death penalty in decades. Well-known democracy activist Kyaw Min Yu, 52, known as “Ko Jimmy,” and former lawmaker Phyllis Zeya Thaw, 41, of the League for Democracy party were among those killed by the government and charged with brutal and inhumane terrorist acts.
UN Human Rights Envoy for Myanmar Tom Andrews said in a statement that, “I am outraged and devastated at the news of the junta’s execution of Myanmar patriots and champions of Human rights and democracy. These individuals were tried, convicted and sentenced by a military tribunal without the right of appeal and reportedly, without legal counsel.”
According to the Thailand-based Assistance Association for Political Refugees, the junta has arrested nearly 15,000 civilians and killed 2,114.
We are very sad to learn about the atrocities of Myanmar’s military government that should be seriously condemned by the whole world. This Asian country has never enjoyed peace time since they became independent in 1948. It’s really regrettable that Aung Sun who won the Nobel peace prize had returned to power, but was finally overthrown by the military regime.
What is the reason that this country so rich in resources has fallen to be one of the poorest nations in the world? They really are waiting for everybody's help.