社评0729 我们共同為社区繁荣而努力

近二年多来, 因為新冠病毒之侵袭加上全球経済之不振, 对我们社区各行各业造成了巨大之冲击,许多中小企业因而倒闭或面临更大之挑战。昨晚我们和许多政商界人士共集一堂 ,并和休斯敦西南区和国际区的郡长柯尔葛有了一次非常坦诚而有益的交谈和沟通, 这也是地方官员第一次能够非常耐心地听取大家的意见。
最近把西南华埠及国际区纳入柯尔葛郡长之辖区才五个月, 但是他非常热心地走访各地,听取大家的意见, 总的说来 ,我们提出改善治安及重整経济繁荣之两大课题。首先是治安严重败坏问题, 西南地区因為人口密集 ,公寓眾多, 银行林立, 因此许多亚裔成為犯罪之主要目标 ,打破玻璃、 偷盗 、抢刧事件频传, 我们除了在区内聘请私家保安外, 得到市及郡警力之协助不够, 这是我们最关心之问题。
柯尔葛郡长同时宣佈,由着名建筑师及风水大师李兆琼所设计建造一座佛塔,将於九月十日在国际区之亚德士多礼公园举行破土典礼 ,这将是為西南区增添亚裔文化建设之大工程, 我们并且建议在佛塔附近建造国际文化博物馆, 為休斯敦市民提供世界各国移民之文化 、生活及对経济贡献之歷史记録 ,并且在此地区定期举办各族裔之文化活动, 包括国庆农暦新年、元旦及龙舟端午节等大型活动 ,以便吸引更多之游客前来共襄盛举 ,以促进経済之繁荣。
We Work Together For The Prosperity Of The Community
Over the past two years, due to the impact of Covid-19 and the global economic downturn, many small and medium-sized businesses have closed down or have been forced to seek greater challenges due to the huge impact on people from all walks of life in our community.
Last night we gathered with many local leaders and had a very frank and beneficial conversation with Commissioner Jack Cagle.
It has been over five months since the International and Southwestern Districts were included under the jurisdiction of Commissioner Cagle and he visited our district very enthusiastically to listen to our concerns. Generally speaking, we have two major topics of concern, including public safety and economic prosperity.
Due to the dense population in our area, there are many apartment complexes and banks in the southwestern area so many Asians have become the main targets of crime. Breaking of glass, stealing of merchandise and robberies are frequent. In addition to hiring private security, we do not have enough local police coverage to help in our area. Commissioner Cagle is very concerned about what we are facing today.
On the economic issue, we believe that having more tourists come to our area will be of great benefit to our businesses, especially our restaurants. Commissioner Cagle also announced that a new Asian pagoda designed by architect C. C. Lee will hold a groundbreaking in a nearby park in the near future. We also suggested the building of an international museum and culture center to provide historical records of cultural life and highlight the many contributions of our new immigrants. Commissioner Cagle also promised to sponsor a large-scale number of cultural activities in the area in order to attract more visitors to our district that will lead to improving our economic prosperity.