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社评 0803 佩洛西终於抵台

社评 0803  佩洛西终於抵台


眾议院议长佩洛西及她带来之代表团终於抵达台北為中美台三方之未来局势埋下了紧张的伏笔 尤其是台湾将来在两大强权之对峙下 将更艰难

中国官方曾经多次向美国提出警告 认為佩洛西是美国第三号人物她的行為是严重破坏和侵犯中国主权和领土完整向台独发出错误信号

长久以来 台湾是中美两国非常棘手的问题 由於民进党所走之政治路线 已经使这个地区成為战争之导火缐

这位八十二高龄的议长 在抵达后之声明中表明将坚定不移的支持台湾充满活力的民主

我们要非常遗憾地指出 由于佩洛西对台湾之高调访问 将对未来亚洲台海之情势更加令人担忧 中国大陆将会加强在経济 外交及军事上对台湾之压力 包括在岛之军事演习 把越过台海中缐常态化 终止许多商业往来 对於长期依赖大陆贸易的台湾而言 将是重大之打击

我们决不愿看见台海情势之恶化 是谁终将成為战场 请大家深思吧

Pelosi Finally Arrives In Taiwan

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi along with her delegation landed in Taipei despite China’s threats of retaliation over her visit.

She issued a statement saying that the visit honors American’s unwavering commitment to supporting Taiwan’s vibrant democracy.

China responded by holding military exercises and conveyed bellicose rhetoric warnings that stated that Pelosi’s visit has a severe impact on the political foundation of the China-U.S. relationship and seriously infringes on China’s territorial and sovereign integrity and sends the wrong signal to the Taiwan independence separatist forces.

Some politicians, including the mayor of Taipei, Ko Wen-je, wanted the government of Taiwan to avoid being put between “a rock and hard place” in U.S.- China relations.

For a long time Taiwan has been a very difficult problem for the U.S. and China relationship. We would like to point out, with great regret, that because of Pelosi’s high-profile visit to Taiwan, there will surely be more to worry about now with the situation revolving around the Taiwan Strait. China will definitely put more pressure on Taiwan economics, diplomacy and military affairs. For the island, which has for a long time relied on mainland trade, it will be a major blow.

We have never wanted to see the deterioration of the situation in the Taiwan Strait. But now it might finally lead to the battlefield, and then Taiwan will greatly suffer.