社评0809 教育乃国家百年大计

上週末在美南环球电视剧场主持了美电小主持人训练班就业典礼 ,观看了这群年幼小朋友在台上表演的精彩节目 ,并向台下的父母及亲朋好友表示感谢。
我在颁发结业证书时, 勉励大家要再接再厉,在学校做个好学生, 在家裡孝顺父母 ,并立志成為对社会有贡献的人。
今天我们从事之大眾传播事业, 本身就负有向社会传播消息之重大责任 ,我们更希望长江后浪推前浪, 今后有更多年轻一代接力下去。
我们也要特别感谢盖军、 辛建、 王洁、陈铁梅 数位老师们之悉心教导及父母之热心支持, 父母们都望子成龙 ,望女成凰 ,这是非常令人感动之事。
教育乃是国家之百年大计 ,我们眼看华亚裔学子多半是品学兼优 ,努力向上, 其中最重要之原因是家庭对子女教育之极端重视, 不论环境如何艰难 ,对子女教育花费之心血在所不惜。
主持颁发证书是我最愉快的一件事, 眼看这批优秀彬彬有礼之孩童们 ,他们的笑容永远烙在我们的心中。
Education Is The Country’s Century-Old Plan
Last weekend we hosted the graduation ceremony of the Little Reporter Camp at our International TV Studio. Seeing the first group of youngsters performing wonderful programs on the stage and thanking their parents, relatives and teachers off stage was a wonderful experience.
When I issued the graduation certificates I encouraged everyone to continue to work hard to be a good student in school, to be filial to your parents at home and aspire to be a person who contributes to society.
The media business we are engaged in today has a very great responsibility to the society. We hope more of the younger generation will continue to relate in the future.
We would like to thank their teachers for the careful teaching and the enthusiastic support from their parents. All the parents wanted their sons to become dragons and their daughters to become phoenixes.
Education is a century-old plan of the country. We see most Asian students are excellent in character and learning. The reason for this is that their parents attach great importance to their children’s education. No matter how difficult the environment may be, they will be sure their children go to the best schools.
Hosting and issuing the certificates is my happiest thing. Seeing these excellent and polite children and their beaming smiles will always be branded in our hearts.