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社评 0826 2035 年加州将全面禁售汽油车辆

社评 0826  2035 年加州将全面禁售汽油车辆

2035 年加州将全面禁售汽油车辆


加州政府通过在2035 年后全面禁止汽油或柴油车辆, 以面对大气层变化带来的严重危机,其中骄车、卡车、货车是造成大气层污染之最大原因。


加州政府规定,在2026 年后在加州出售之百分之三十五车辆必须是零污染排放,到2030 年要达到百分之六十八之目标, 但是驾驶人仍然可以继续使用旧的汽车。


根据政府统计数字, 今年头三个月在加州出售之车辆百分之十六是电动车,过去十二年来加州政府已经补助十亿美元 ,补助买电车的人,但是目前面临的问题是充电站还是不够。


世界气候变迁已经严重造成各种天然灾害、 天灾颶风、 地层下陷、 洪水频传, 都是由于碳排放及世界过度开发所造成。


我们极力赞成发展新能源来挽救气候之继续恶化,这也是地球人类共同之难题, 加州成為人口最多之大州, 也為其他州树立典范。




今年十一月,全美三十六个州之州长将进行改选, 主要面对之政见包括新冠疫情、 堕胎、経济问题,更多女性候选人参加了各州之初选, 共有六十九位女性要参加州长选举,其中二十三人已经取得选举人资格。


目前全美有九位女性州长, 不过一般估计,今年可能到达十二位女性当选州长。


由于女性一般掌管家庭收支, 她们对经济问题特别敏感, 当她们成為州长时, 对於経济问题也特别重视。


今年年底之全国大选, 将是民主共和两党短兵相接之火爆竞选, 我们真诚寄望在全国各州及参眾两院选出新的领导人, 能以新人新政。

California Will Ban Gas-Powered Vehicles By 2035

The California Air Resource Board has voted in favor of banning the sale of new gas-powered vehicles in the state by 2035.

The goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles was introduced as an executive order by Governor Gavin Newsom in 2020. The law requires all new vehicles sold after 2035 to be zero emission. Gas emissions are the reason the public health and welfare is hurting as well as endangering the environment in multiple and interrelated ways. According to a survey, more than 40% of California drivers are planning to buy an electric car as their next vehicle.

We welcome the new rule of California to change the way we have been driving cars. We also would like to see more electric cars in the future.

Record Number Of Women Are Running For Public Office

Thirty-six states will be heading for elections of their governors and these races will spotlight on Covid-19, abortion, and inflation issues.

Sixty-nine women have filed to run for governor. So far, twenty-three women have won the primaries. Currently, only nine women serve as governors. After this year’s elections, there may be more than twelve women who will become governor.

In both parties, a number of women are winning primaries for governor. At least fifteen women in the Democratic party and eight in the Republican party have won their primaries.

Most women now are making a majority of the economic decisions for their households. With that in mind, when they become governor, they will pay more attention to housing, transportation and childcare issues.

We are so glad that the political positions in the nation will change to new leadership soon. We really need new blood and leadership to lead us out of this difficult time.