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社评0830 霍布金斯黑人教授向房屋评估公司挑战

社评0830  霍布金斯黑人教授向房屋评估公司挑战



执教於霍布金斯大学的黑人教授摩克夫妇今天向一家房產评估公司提起诉讼, 认為该公司之估价过低是因為他们是有色人种故意低估了房价


我们要非常遗憾地指出 这是个非常普遍之现象 即便他们是贵為大学教授 因為是有色人种往往受到许多歧视

希望这项诉讼能够更正许多评估公司对有色人种之歧视 以便在购物及申请房贷有公平及合理之待遇

老实说 今天在我们这个以金钱掛帅之社会 许多房价高的社区有色人种也无法负担 也就自然形成富人区和穷人区


太空总署週一上午宣布因机械故障 原定上午发射的太空火箭已经延期 包拓括在甘迺迪发射中心之贵宾及二万五千位员工都非常失望

太空中心主任尼尔森表示我们必须万全準备后再发射这也证明这次发射之太空船是非常复杂 此计划共花费四十一亿美元 而且主要目的是要把人再度送往月球做充分之準备

我们非常赞成尼尔森主任之决定 因為这次发射工程将是未来是否能打人送上月球并进行对火星探测之準备工作 决不可掉以轻心

Artemis 1 Moon Rocket Launch Delayed

Because of a brief hydrogen leak creating trouble for cooling one of the rocket’s four engines and problems with a balky valve, managers called off the launch countdown Monday morning.

The team will get another launch attempt on Friday, Sept. 2, 2022. The delay was a big disappointment for more than 25,000 NASA workers and guests at the Kennedy Space Center.

NASA Administrator Bill Elton said, “We don’t launch until it’s right. I think it’s illustrative that this is a very complicated machine, a very complicated system and all of those things have to work. You don’t want to light the candle until it’s ready to go.”

The $4.1 billion rocket is the most powerful rocket ever built for the space agency.

We strongly agree with Nelson’s decision because this project will determine whether man can be sent to the moon and then prepare for Mars exploration in the future.

                            John Hopkins Black Professors Sue Appraisal Company

A couple of John Hopkins University professors filed a lawsuit with a property appraisal company arguing that the company’s valuation was set too low because their race.

In the lawsuit, John Hopkins University professors Nathan Connolly and Shani Mott are suing the appraisal company for damages citing racial discrimination and stating that the decision violated the fair housing act.

We have to point out that this is very common phenomenon even if you are a college professor.

We hope this lawsuit will teach a lesson to those companies, including loan companies, that try to be unfair to people of color, especially when they want to apply for a home loan or sale their property.