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社评0903 美国银行帮忙非裔购房零首付

社评0903 美国银行帮忙非裔购房零首付


為了帮忙非裔及拉丁裔家庭买房美国银行今天宣佈将给予他们零首付贷款 以消除对少数族裔无力买房之窘境

美国银行表示这项优惠政策将在达拉斯 迈阿米 洛杉磯 底特律等城市实施 申请者将不计较他们的信用分数但要求他们曾经付过房租 汽车保险及水电费


许多非裔及拉丁裔因為没有充够之存款支付首款 因而无法买屋 根据统计 每十个白人有七人拥有自己之住宅 但非裔及拉丁裔每十人只有五人拥有自宅

老实说在某些城市如洛杉磯要买房除了首付款之外 价格实在高得离谱 许多人是无法负担即便不要支付头款

今天我们的问题还是在於経济结构造成贫富悬殊太大 许多劳工阶级对拥有自己之住房真是只可望而不可及,他们实在非常难圆自己的美国梦

我们还是建议政府多盖一些平民住宅 在政府之帮忙下 才可能给贫困者寄居之地

联邦政府动则以数十亿援助外国 我们希望先给予国人更多之协助 才是政府之责任

Bank Of America Launches Zero-Down Mortgage

Bank of America announced that Black and Hispanic home buyers can get a mortgage without a down payment or closing costs under the new program the company is offering in five cities.

The cities include Dallas, Charlotte, Detroit, Los Angeles and Miami. The bank said the applicants will not have their credit score taken into account, but they will need to show that they have paid their rent, phone and auto insurance payments on time.

This program is intended to help Black and Hispanic families own a home and start building wealth. Those people typically don’t have enough savings to put down the down payment and closing costs.

According to a survey, about 7 in 10 white households own homes, while only 4 in 10 Black and 5 in 10 Hispanic own their homes.

As a matter of fact, in a city such as Los Angeles, the price of buying a house is ridiculously high and many people just can’t afford it, even if you don’t need to have a down payment.

Today our problem is still the fact that the economic structure causes too much disparity between the rich and the poor. Many working class families can’t afford to own a home and it is really hard for them to reach the American dream.

We still suggest that the government needs to build more housing projects to give the poor a place to live.

Our government gives away billions of dollars to foreign countries. We need to look after our own people first.