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九月二十日星期二是全美投票日宣传活动, 休斯顿电视台及纪事报, 美南日报联合妇女投票联盟,共同宣掦市民们登记投票, 并且有数十位志愿者,在许多登记地点指导大家如何登记投票。全美各地十一月份,期中选最后登记日是十月十一日, 并且可以从十月二十四日到十一月四日预先投票, 真正之大选日是十一月八日星期二。全国投票日宣传活动自二O一二年举办以来,已经有四百七十万人登记, 这项由妇女选民联盟,发起之群眾活动,是一个非党派之行动,旨在呼吁大家前往踊跃登记為选民。我们更要在此大声疾呼,华亚裔同胞一定要去登记, 完成美国公民之权利和义务。十一月份之期中选举,将是非常关𨫡性之选举 ,民主共和两党在国会参眾议院,将有一塲激烈竞争, 鹿死谁手尚难预料, 我们今天成了关键性之少数 ,可能是决定胜负之票源。美南日报及美南电视,竭诚為大家提供服务, 请致电:281-498-4320 查询

We Support National Voter Registration Day


The 2022 National Voter Registration Day is Tuesday, September 20th. KPRC TV, the Houston  Chronicle and Southern Chinese Daily are partners with the League Of Women Voters of Houston to get voters to register at locations all over the city. The LWV-Houston had more than 35 volunteers helping the people fill out the form or link to QR codes.


The last day to register to vote in Texas for the November election is October 11, 2022. Early voting in Texas begins on October 24th and ends on November 4th. Election Day is Tuesday, November 8th.


National Voter Registration Day is a nonpartisan holiday celebrating our democracy. Since 2012 to the date, nearly 4.7 million voters have registered to vote on the holiday.


We are here to urge all our people to go register and go to vote. This is our right as well as our responsibility.


In the coming election it is very important for our nation’s future. We are currently facing many serious challenges with many issues and we need to have new leaders to lead us to a brighter future.


Our SNG office line is open for any questions you may have. The number is 281-498-4310.