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社评0926 休斯敦首届非洲能源高峰会

社评0926  休斯敦首届非洲能源高峰会


特纳市长本週四在市府广场以红地毯欢迎西非尼日亚总统巴索及来自安哥拉 加彭 衣索匹亚 塔桑尼亚 马拉威 刚果及几内亚等非洲国家能源及部会首长 欢迎他们前来参加首届非洲能源高峰会

欢迎会后 市长和休斯敦几家能源公司和非洲代表们举行了多塲之硏讨会 市长表示 休斯敦成為世界能源之都 我们把各界代表集聚一堂共同商讨商机及未来之挑战我们认為能源是非洲最重要之课题 我们大家将提出合作具体方案 建立美国和非洲各国更紧密之关係

硏讨会结束之后 特纳市长於週五在休斯敦艺术博物馆设晚宴招待非洲各国代表及领事外交代表 当晚精彩之节目及丰盛菜餚為大会划上圆满之句点

我代表几内亚驻休斯敦总领事馆出席了大会 与各国代表进行交流

Houston’s First African Energy Summit

Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner welcomed African heads of state, ministers and Houston-based energy executives and business leaders to the inaugural Houston African Energy Summit.

The guests at the two-day event included the President of Niger, Mohamed Bazoum and Hilda Suka-Mafudze, the African Union Ambassador to the United States. The mayor also greeted representatives from Angola, Namibia, Senegal, Congo, Uganda, Chad, Guinea and South Sudan.

After the welcoming ceremony, the mayor led a roundtable discussion that included, but was not limited to, the fossil fuel and hydrocarbon industry, natural gas, renewable power generation, including hydrogen, coal, solar, and wind power projects.

As the energy capital of the world, the mayor said, “My goal is to bring all sides to the table to have the necessary discussion, bring people together, build relationships and challenge you all to find opportunity.”

After the meeting, the mayor hosted a dinner party for all of the delegations at the Houston Fine Arts Museum.

I attended the event and met many of the delegates during the beautiful evening.