社评1003 颶风重创佛州

伊恩四级颶风强度直击佛罗里达州,四天之后 ,确认己経有六十多人死亡 ,导致许多地区房屋被冲毁, 到目前為止,真正伤亡人数还未确定, 但是救灾工作正在积极进行之中。
联邦救灾中心表示,至少已经有一千位居民被救了出来, 官员们呼吁要注意安全 ,以免造成灾变后更多之伤亡。
拜登总统夫妇今天将飞往波多利各视察当地之灾情后, 将於週三前往佛罗里达探视灾民,誓言联邦政府将全力以赴帮忙救援, 据称己経有八万七千三百户灾民向政府提出援助申请。
随着气候变化之加剧 ,美国南部墨西哥湾沿岸地区每年面对之颶风挑战 ,已经是种常态, 居住在海岸边之城市居民 ,每到九十月份都会提心吊胆, 据统计 ,几乎过半数之商家和居民都未买水灾保险 ,遇到如此大灾难 ,只有仰赖政府之援助了。
Hurricane Ian Death Toll Still Rising
After almost a week, the death toll from Hurricane Ian has risen to 67 in Florida which was hit by a category 5 storm after making landfall in southwest Florida Ian, then traveled to the coast.
Up until now, the rescue operations are still underway. FEMA director Deanne Criswell said the impact of the storm has been devastating.
“While we certainly hope to find more people alive and bring them out, we will be going ahead to support the state in their needs as we continue to go house-by-house and make sure every individual is accounted for, Criswell said.”
More than 1,000 people have been rescued and evacuated from the flooded areas since the storm hit.
President Biden and his wife Jill will travel to Puerto Rico today to survey damage from Hurricane Fiona which hit a week earlier. The president will then go to Florida on Wednesday to assess the damage from Hurricane Ian.
We were told that many of the businesses and homes in that area are without flood insurance. We hope that the federal government will give them a hand to recover.
With climate change affecting countries all around the world, here in Houston we live in a coastal area that will be facing all kinds of hurricanes soon. We need to be prepared again for the challenges coming in the future.