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社评 1005 非法移民成了政治皮球

社评 1005 非法移民成了政治皮球


德州州长艾伯特週一再送五十名越境之非法移民到副总统贺锦丽的华府官邸,截至目前為止 已经有一万二千名非法移民从德州边境送到民主党执政的大城市 其中包括芝加哥 纽约及华盛顿

艾伯特州长在一场和民主党人辩论会上表示因為拜登总统继续让非法移民进入德州 我们将继续把他们送走 他并指责副总统贺锦丽上週到休斯敦访问 都没有到边境视察 副总统事后表示 拜登政府将呼吁国会共同努力来解决目前面临的移民问题

民主党州长候选人奥罗克严厉指责州长把这些人当作政治皮球 他说州长之行动已经為德州带来四十亿元之経济损失

保守估计 最后二年多来 己経有二百一十万非法移民进入美国寻求庇护 这股浪潮也令人十分忧虑

移民问题是美国长期面对之问题 老实说 我们是一个移民国家 如果我们没有移民 将是非常严重之危机 但是如何让合法而优秀之移民进入美国 也是政府重大之考验

Migrants Become Political Pawns

Texas Governor Greg Abbott sent another 50 migrants to DC in front of Vice President Harris’s residence on Monday. Up until now, more than 8,200 migrants have been bused to the nation’s capital and about 3,000 more have been dropped off in New York.

Abbott said, “We will have to continue to move migrants because Joe Biden continues to allow more illegal immigrants to come into the State of Texas. Our supposed border czar Vice President Harris has yet to even visit the border to see firsthand the impact of the open border policies she has helped implement, even going so far as to claim the border is secure.”

Vice President Harris later said she and President Biden have been calling on Congress to do more to fix the nation’s immigration issues. 

Harris said, “The border is secure, but we also have a broken immigration system. In particular, over the last four years, before we came in, and it needs to be fixed.”

Democratic governor challenger O’Rourke claimed that when he becomes head of the State of Texas, he will push to fix the nation’s immigration problem by creating a safe legal path for people who want to work, join family or seek asylum in Texas. He said Abbott is treating human beings as political pawns.

We are a nation of immigrants, but we need to have a better policy to accept more immigrants as a national issue.

In the upcoming midterm election, immigration will become a very heated topic. All of the politicians will need to agree to a debate.