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社评 1010 休斯敦市长年度外交领事团盛会

社评 1010 休斯敦市长年度外交领事团盛会



这是我们代表西非几内亚第二次参加特纳市长的第二次外交领事团之年度嘉年华会 有九十多个驻在休斯敦的各国总领事在市府之安排下度过了一个非常温馨愉悦之夜更显示多年来我们是个国际化之重镇

特纳市长在致欢迎词中首先表达近九十八个之外交领事代表為我们搭起走往世界之桥樑 休市成為当今全球航天 能源及医学的领导者

晚会在仪仗队之引领下各国领事及外交代表依字母顺序进㘯两侧有灿烂烟火及大型视屏放映代表们走进会场之大镜头, 我们排在盖亚那及赛布鲁士总领事之间

晚宴桌上有艷丽鲜花和法式羊排大餐 台上更有现㘯大乐队及歌星现唱 大家纷纷起舞 可说是宾主尽欢

在插满各国国旗之长廊上 市长也分别和各国总领事合摄留念 也由於市长之任期将在明年届满大家也和他殷殷话别

图為我们和市特纳市长 韩国 卡达 盖亚那等国总领事合摄

Houston City of Diplomacy

This is the second time I have represented the West African country of Guinea after participating in the Houston Mayor’s Consular Ball. More than 90 consulates now have  offices in Houston. I spent a very friendly and pleasant night thanks to the city’s detailed arrangements, which shows that we are a very important international city in the world.

In his welcome speech, Mayor Turner expressed his appreciation to all the consuls and representatives who have built a bridge between Houston and the world.

We entered the party room in alphabetical order where there were splendid fireworks and a large-scale LED that lit up when the consuls entered the venue.

There were gorgeous flowers set up on the tables and a French lamb chop dinner. A band was also playing music and singers were singing songs to entertain all the guests.

Mayor Turner took photos with all of the guests and personally thanked all of the people who have supported him in the last seven years.

I personally had the opportunity to meet consuls general from Qatar, Korea and Guyana.

It was such a wonderful diplomatic event, and all of us had a very good time.