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社评 1011 柏南克获得诺贝尔経济学奬

社评  1011 柏南克获得诺贝尔経济学奬



曾经担任美国联準会主席的柏南克和其他二位学者戴蒙和戴佈维格共同分亨这份殊荣 表彰他们在挽救银行危机之贡献

在诺且尔奬之文章中指出 从一九八0年代针对银行之倒闭造成之金融危机所做之处理方式他们 有过积极之贡献

柏南克自二00六年开始 担任了八年的联储会主席 正值2008 年之金融危机 在他的引领下 由联邦政府出手援救 才渡过了一㘯金融大海啸 根据他们之分析 政府可籍由提供存款保险 防止客户之挤兑会拖垮了银行

不幸的是 我们也又再次处於金融危机之边沿 综观世界许多国家已经是债抬高筑 通货膨胀物价能源高涨 拼命印钞寅吃卯粮 真是危机四伏

世界経济之好转 有赖各国共同努力 目前我们处於错综复杂之国际关係 各国各怀鬼胎 要使経济好转实属不易

Ben Bernanke Wins the Nobel Prize In Economics 

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided to award the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2022 to Ben S. Bernanke, 
Douglas W. Diamond and Philip H. Dybvig, “for research on banks and financial crises.”

The statement from The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences reads as follows: “This year’s laureates in the Economic Sciences, Messrs Bernanke, Diamond and Dybvig    have significantly improved our understanding of the role of banks in the economy, particularly during financial crises. They have demonstrated the importance of preventing the collapse of the banking system.”

Bernanke was chairman of the Federal Reserve from 2006 to 2014, and is now at the Brookings Institution in Washington D.C. Diamond is a professor at the University of Chicago and Dybvig is a professor at Washington University in St. Louis.

The committee said their works in the early 1980’s had significantly improved our understanding of the role of banks in the economy, particularly during times of financial crises.

                                                                                                                                                       Unfortunately, we are also on the edge of a financial crisis again. Looking at the facts, many countries in the world today are already experiencing rising debts and inflation while the prices of food and energy are soaring.

To improve the world’s economy, it will depend on the joint efforts of all countries working together. At the present time, we don’t see a bright future for the world’s economy.