社评1019 川普再度征战德州

这项大型集会将在罗斯鎭举行, 此地区长期来都是民主党之天下, 包括市长国会议员在内, 但是由于共和党佔多数之德州议会,最近把全州选区重划后对共和党候选人比较有利。
根据二O二0年总统选举结果显示, 共和党在德州南部之票数大增 ,因此有望在此次期中选举获胜。
在此地区支持川普的川粉们扬言要举办一㘯自总统大选以来最大之群眾大会 ,希望变天為共和党取得胜利。
期中选举在即 ,全美之通货膨胀 ,物价上涨 ,俄乌战事及中美关係都是目前拜登政府之难题 ,在此同时民怨四起,也就為共和党制造了机会 ,可能会使共和党在眾议院中翻盘 ,在参议院在未定天下之情况下, 对政府未来施政必然是巨大挑战。
Trump Will Come To South Texas
Former President Trump is heading to south Texas and the city of Robstown west of Corpus Christi this weekend to rally voters before early voting begins for the midterm. The former president’s visit comes as Republicans try to flip the seats in the House which for a long time has been a Democratic stronghold.
Republicans are targeting three congressional seats and have raised more money than the Democrats. Texas Democrats have complained recently that the national party appears to be pulling resources from this area.
The Trump supporters said they have been trying to host the MAGA rally since Trump lost the White House.
With inflation raising prices and the war in Ukraine, this is a very tough time for President Biden’s administration in Texas. With a majority of control by Republicans in the House and Senate, the redistricting of the congressional districts will be more favorable to the Republicans.
Republicans want to win in the south Texas area where Democrats have been strong for some time.
The midterm election is around the corner. This election will redraw the national political map in the U.S. Both the House and the Senate will have new faces to determine our national agenda.