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社评 1101 我们迎来五湖四海的国际好友

社评 1101  我们迎来五湖四海的国际好友



為了庆祝美南国际贸易中心二十年週年纪念而暖身 ,上週五我们举办了预备晚会, 近二百位各界友人参加了一次室外之温馨酒会, 当天出席者包括纪念会主席前赫里斯郡长艾克斯 ,现任四区区长卡哥斯, 联邦眾议员格林, 前联合国协会会长伯克大使 ,衣索比亚驻德州总领事卡伯地 ,赫里斯医疗基金会董事长狄奥, 各国商会会长 ,银行家帕克等各族裔领䄂。

二十年来, 国际贸易中心举办了数百塲各种大小之活动, 曾经和政府单位 民间团体及学术机构举行学术研讨、 商业交流 ,為超过一万家中小企业服务 ,并且在二O一七年荣获奥巴马总统颁发之社会服务奬。

今天我们更有远大理想和计划, 将透过美南媒体集团整合国际文化贸易中心之平台, 并正在策划美南财务金融中心, 预计明年底前在美南新闻广场上完成媒体、 文化贸易及金融中心之全面结合 ,為华人在海外创建新的媒体商业金融平台, 将是美南集团崭新之旅程碑, 為踏上更壮阔之国际舞台。

我们在此要感谢多年来和我们同行并帮助的事业伙伴, 国际贸易中心為我们搭建了世界舞台 ,更忝為几内亚驻休斯敦名誉总领事, 籍此参与许多外交活动, 开拓和结识更多国际人士。

歷史的巨轮总是不断向前滚动, 数十年来之艰辛岁月, 希望為社会国家贡献簿力。

ITC Twenty-Year Anniversary Kickoff Party

Last Friday we held a kickoff party for the ITC 20th Anniversary 2022 Gala. Nearly 200 friends attended the warm reception, including our Gala Chair, Judge Robert Eckels, Congressman Al Green, Commissioner Jack Cagle, several consuls general and many chamber of commerce presidents.

Over the past twenty years, the International Trade Center has held hundreds of activities of all sizes, including academic seminars, business meetings and has served more than ten thousand small businesses in this region. Because of all these contributions, we won a community service award from former President Obama.

Today we have a new vision to integrate the platform of our trade center through our media group to expand into financial services. This new integrated platform will be used to reach our new goal of setting foot on the international stage.

We are so fortunate that so many of our business partners have been with us throughout the last so many decades.

The huge wheel of history has always been rolling forward. We are here to catch the opportunity to serve our community and our country.