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社评 1105 我们向李柯克致敬

社评 1105   我们向李柯克致敬


认识李柯克已经有十多年了,他今年高寿九十六 ,仍然每天精神抖擞地走进办公室, 泡上一杯蜂蜜加蕷果醋, 是他长寿秘诀。

李柯克主持的飞诺斯电讯公司已经有七十歷史, 他的地下电缆遍及大休斯敦地区, 有数十万哩之多 ,包括着名莱斯大学及各大学区皆使用他的地下电缆服务。
早在五O年代, 李柯克曾参加了美国阿拉默曼哈顿原子弹计划, 当他移居休斯敦后,和当时之富豪积克逊及歌星柯斯比合组了飞诺斯电讯电䌫公司, 前二人过世后,由他独自支撑到今天。

二年前我们也成為他的客户, 包括电视台的所有电台使用之电缆系统,比起许多大一公司节省许多费用,而且光速快上许多倍。今天正逢美南新闻成立四十四週年及国际贸易中心二十週年纪念,.我们特别為他设立特别成就奬来表扬他对社会之贡献。

每逢星期二我们常在澳洲牛排馆共进午餐, 他非常喜欢吃甜红土豆和三文鱼 ,据他说每天只吃一餐 ,身体仍然非常硬朗 并且也在多年前老伴过世后再续絃再娶。

我常常从李柯克之身上找到人生真正的意义, 他就是永不退休, 直到生命的最后一天吧。


We Salute Mr. Lee Cook


I have known Lee Cook for more than ten years. He is now 96 years old, but still works in the office with trembling spirits every day. He always drinks honey mixed with apple cider and warm water. This is his secret for longevity.


The telecommunications company Phonoscope Fiber was formed 70 years ago by Mr. Cook. He is recognized as a true telecom trailblazer.


The Phonoscope fiber optic symmetrical connections operate at the speeds of 10 mbps to 400 mbps. They have more than 23,000 miles of pure fiber backbone and provide a very reliable service, including Rice University and many school districts.


Based in Houston, they have a history of innovation dating back to 1953 and have grown to be the largest private metro-area 100% pure-light ethernet network in the nation and in the world.


Two years ago our company became his customer and his system is now used by our TV station and our telephone system.


Today coincides with the twenty anniversary of the International Trade Center. We are setting up a special achievement award for Mr. Lee Cook.


I often find the true meaning of life from him. He will never retire until the last day of his life.