社评 1114 感谢国际中心年会支持者

美南国际贸易中心二十週年庆,上週五在休斯敦举行, 前劳工及交通部长赵小兰,专程来参加為我们加油打气, 市长特纳及国会议员格林、 希拉积克逊、县长 、州议员、 市议员 、日本 、韩国、 印尼、 巴基斯坦、 赛布鲁士 、安哥拉等二十位各国驻休斯敦总领事、 商界、 学界、 文化界人士近六百位佳宾与会, 这是我们莫大之光荣, 也代表了美国主流对华亚裔之重视。
多年来, 我们在这块土地上落叶生根 ,但是就如赵小兰部长一再鼓励我们的一样 ,我们永远是华亚裔美国人, 更以自己之族裔文化和根源為荣。
市长特纳在讃扬我们对美国之贡献之外 ,并颁佈2002年十一月十一日,為美南国际贸易中心日, 当我接受这份荣誉状 ,我心情澎湃, 更要感恩多年来一起打拼的伙伴和支持者。
歷史之巨轮是不断向前滚动, 回顾过往 ,展望未来, 我们面对之挑战仍然艰鉅, 但是, 我们永不畏缩, 将永往直前。
We Appreciate All Of Your Support
On behalf of the ITC 20th Anniversary Gala Host Committee, we would like to sincerely thank you all for your steadfast support and participation in the Gala.
This event was a great success due to your valuable contribution. The ITC could not do it without the generous support of our sponsors.
We are so honored that Secretary Chao made a special trip from DC to show her support for us.
Mayor Turner has announced November 11, 2022, as Houston International Trade Center Day. Over the last 20 years the ITC has hosted many educational and community programs in fulfillment of its vision and mission.
Our dear friend, Congressman Al Green and Sheila Jackson Lee also brought their remarks and proclamations to the Gala. We sincerely thank them for their support over the years.
On this day, we just are so happy and grateful for all of your support. Thank you all again.