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社评 1116 高科技公司即将大批裁员

社评 1116  高科技公司即将大批裁员



亚马逊公司预计将裁员一万人 面对経济情势 该公司老闆贝索斯警告消费者和商家不要购置大型商品或扩资以面对経济衰退之来临

据报导 亚马逊公司将大批裁员来应付可能之衰退 该公司是除了沃马之外第二名全美雇主 该公司在十月份之消费量不佳 大多帰於通货膨胀及购买力减弱 该公司股票削减了百分之四十

虽然美国経济尚未正式进入衰退 但是百分之七十五的美国人已有此感觉 主要是在汽油食物之价格已经不断上涨 尤其对那些靠固定收入之年长退休者

我们乐见中美两国领导人在印尼首度面对面会晤, 这两个全球最大的経济体事实上主宰了世界未来之前途 唯有双方能达成协议 解决矛盾分歧 世界経济问题才有办法解决方法

Amazon Is Ready To Lay Off Employees

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos warned the people to consider postponing large purchases in the coming months as the world economy will be in a downturn and face a possible recession. He urged people to put off big expenditure items such as new cars, TVs and big appliances. Meanwhile, small businesses should also avoid making large capital expenditures in the near future.

According to reliable sources, Amazon will lay off more than 10,000 employees and freeze the hiring of any additional workforce. It expects sales for the final three months of the year to be significantly below Wall Street’s expectation.

Even though the U.S. economy is not technically in a recession, nearly 75% of voters said they feel as though it is, mainly because of inflation and rising prices.

We are glad to see that the leaders of China and the United States met face-to-face for the first time in Indonesia.  In fact, the world’s two largest economic powers are in a position to reach a number of agreements to solve many problems.