社评1128 台湾情势和美中台未来关係

今天我们邀请华亚裔社区人士在美南电视环球剧场摄影棚举办台湾新情势和美中台未来关係研讨会,并透过美南电视、 脸书及YouTube做全球直播, 期盼全球华人共同来关心未来中美台关係之发展。
就在两星期前 ,我们為了庆祝美南集团旗下美南国际贸易中心在美国德州成立二十週年庆, 我们非常荣幸邀请到美国前劳工及交通部长赵小兰及多位美国眾议员, 休斯敦市长特纳、 日本、 韩国 、印度、 巴基斯坦、 安哥拉等十多位驻休斯敦之总领事出席, 这项盛会充分印证我们华亚裔在美国之主流地位。
各位社区领袖,我们大家来自海峡两岸 ,我们把自己的青春岁月贡献给美国这块土地,在座诸位在各行各业之成就, 充分说明我们是美利坚共和国之一分子, 就如各位最近成立的华裔选举协会, 一再表明对参政投票之重要性。
在我们每一个人之心中绝不会忘记自己的出生地, 更关心家乡事,就如赵小兰部长経常提到, 我们要以华裔美国人為荣。
今天之座谈, 可能分為两大主题,首先是请大家谈谈民进党在上週地方选举之溃败是否意味国民党会重新执政。
第二是我们站在华裔美人之立塲, 如何向美国政要、 国会、参眾院及北京、台北表达我们对海陕两岸和平共处之殷切盼望。
The Election In Taiwan And The Future Relationship Between The United States, China And Taiwan
Today we invited leaders from the Chinese Asian community to a seminar on the new situation in Taiwan and the future relationship between the United States, China and Taiwan at our TV studio and produced a global live broadcast through STV, Facebook and YouTube.
Just two weeks ago we celebrated the 20th anniversary of the International Trade Center. We were very honored to invite Elaine Chao, the former Secretary of Labor and Transportation, and many U.S. government representatives, Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner, Japan, Korea. Angola, India and Pakistan consuls general and business leaders attended the Gala. This event really represented the status of our Chinese Asians in the nation and the world.
Our dear community leaders, we all came from both sides of the Taiwan Strait. Most of us spent our whole lives and contributed to both sides. Most of your successful careers have become models of our community. Just look at the recent election when you organized the Chinese Voters Association in order to advocate to the people to go out and vote in the election. But in our hearts, we will never forget our birthplace. As Secretary Chao always said, we are very proud as Chinese Americans in this country.
Today’s discussion may be seen as two topics. First of all, we want you to talk about whether the defeat of Taiwan’s Democratic Progressive Party last week will lead to a KMT return to power in the 2024 presidential election.
The second topic is how can we express our willingness to promote the peaceful co-existence between China and Taiwan through our congressmen and the U.S. government?
We will definitely have the responsibility and influence and will send our concern to Washington, Beijing and Taipei.