社评1129 旅美两岸侨学界领袖共聚一堂

座谈会之贵宾包括有律师、 医生、 大学教授 、银行家 、殷商 、地產开发商 社会、意见领袖。
在台湾之县市长选举,民进党大败, 包括非绿之国民党赢得十一县市之大胜非常可能夺回政权及总统大位, 我们大家几乎一致认為海峡两岸之关系会缓和下来。
我们一群生活在海外的华裔美人,十分关心海峡两岸之近况, 我们认為两岸人民之问题可以透过和平共存之方式解决, 相信只要台湾不走台独路线而大陆能以和平相处之原则下, 為海峡两岸寻找解决之方案。
今天在座的大多数嘉宾都是早年来美留学后在此生根发展,并且都成為美国社会之精英 ,但是我们还是以华裔美人為荣。
大家都寄望二0二四年国民党重返执政之后,能够重建两岸冰涷之关系, 决不能步上乌克兰之悲剧。
Community Scholarly Leaders Discuss Future Of The Taiwan Strait
On last Monday night, the Southern News Group headquarters was brightly lit up. We welcomed eight overseas Chinese community leaders and scholars from both sides of the Taiwan Strait to our newly built STV international studio. This is the first time we have sat down together to discuss the Taiwan election to look at the future relations between China, Taiwan and the United States.
This symposium of community leaders included a lawyer, a doctor, a professor and a real estate developer.
Just this past week in Taiwan’s mayoral election, the Democratic Progressive party lost overwhelmingly. The KMT party was winning the victory of 11 counties and cities and will likely regain the power and the 2024 presidency. We almost all agreed that the relationship between the two sides of the strait will ease.
We all are very concerned about the situation in Taiwan. We believe that the problem of the Chinese people from both sides can be solved through peaceful co-existence. We believe that this is possible as long as Taiwan does not claim independence and mainland China can find a solution under the principle of peaceful co-existence.
Most of us here tonight came to this land and devoted all our effort to become outstanding citizens and social elites, but we are all still very proud of our Chinese heritage.
Our conclusion is that we all hope that when the KMT comes back to take power again, both sides need to reconnect and build a better relationship. We must not follow the tragedy of Ukraine.