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社评1208 再论国际区建设之蓝图

社评1208  再论国际区建设之蓝图


随着不断外来人口之增长 休斯敦国际区之商业亦日渐增加 我们对於区内未来之前景 充满着极大之信心

我们首先是把区内之基础建设继续加强 其中以铺设地下电缆光纤為首要任务 希望透过光纤联接区内之商业住宅区全方位发挥文化教育功能 建立区内互动互联之资料库

国际区内之経済繁荣还是有赖各种地產商业之开发 目前位於区内卡武路之一百三十六亩地已经在全面规划之中 投资人约翰并展示了他的开发计划 其中有住宅商业街及軽工业区 目前已经开始进行整地工程 详情会再行公佈

位於区内之阿里芙社区中心定於元月十日正式对外开放 这座佔地三十七亩耗资六千万的全方位工作市政及民眾服务中心 将為我们提供文化 体育 图书馆 运动之各项服务

由名建筑师李兆琼先生设计之阁楼亭 国际区大门 室外演出音乐廰及国际文化博物馆都在积极推动之中

我们寄望方圆十三英亩之国际区 把它塑造成為休斯敦之模范区

                              Our Vision Our Goal

With the continuing growth of new residents and businesses in the Houston International District, we have great confidence in the future of the district.

First of all, we want to build a digital district to connect all the businesses and residents in the area and establish a database of interactive connections.

The prosperity of the district still depends on investment and development of various real estate interests and businesses. At the present time, an investor is already preparing to develop 136 acres of land on Kirkwood street. The property location will include both residential and commercial areas as well as a light industrial area.

The new Alief Neighborhood Center located in our district is scheduled to be officially opened to the public next month. This 37-acre service center with a cost of $60 million dollars will be the best place to host all the cultural and sports activities in the district.

Our plans to build the International Gate and Outdoor Theater and the International Culture Museum are also underway.

We are planning to reach our goal to build the International District into the number one role model district in the city of Houston.