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社评1209 台积电在美国沙漠中拔地而起

社评1209  台积电在美国沙漠中拔地而起


九十一岁的台积电创始人张忠谋本週三在美国亚里桑那州凤凰城度过了他人生中可能是他最荣耀和难忘的一天, 包括他夫人皆被围绕在美国总统拜登及全世界最有权势的科技巨头之间 。

拜登总统在台积电开工仪式上说:“ 诸位谁说美国不能在製造业上再次引领全球?”

张忠谋在典礼上表示,他在美国建厂之梦想终於实现 ,但是他说全球化行為就土, 自由贸易也近将灭绝。

这塲举世瞩目之耀眼大会, 也令人十分振奋和感慨, 这也充分証实了由华人主导的企业在美国发光发热, 更证明我们的智慧和能力对世界科技之贡献。

张忠谋董事长早年到台湾时是得力於前总统蒋经国 、李国鼎等之提拔回台湾, 才成就了他今天之重大成就。

真是三十风水轮流转 ,今天在亚里桑那州的沙漠中拔地而起的大工厂, 可能会改变未来世界竞争之格局 ,因為全球化之日子已经在走向尽头, 是祸是福, 时间会告诉我们。

TSMC Rises Up In The American Desert


Ninety-one year old Morris Chang spent what may be the most glorious and unforgettable day of his life in Phoenix, Arizona, this week along with his wife, while being surrounded by U.S. president Joe Biden and many of the most powerful tech giants. 


As President Biden said at the ceremony, “Who said that the United States could not lead the world again in the manufacturing industry?”


The founder of TSMC also said, “My dream came true, but globalization is almost dead. Free trade is almost dead.”


When he came to Taiwan from Dallas, Texas, Morris Chang was invited by former leaders of the KMT to start an industrial park project.


It’s really been thirty years from the starting up of this project to turning it into a dream that has risen up in the desert of Arizona, and which could now could possibly change the pattern of world trade competition in the future. Because of the end of globalization, whether it will be a disaster or a blessing, only time will tell.