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社评1212 挪威总领事即将归国

社评1212  挪威总领事即将归国


上週末参加了挪威驻休斯敦总领事斯郭彬博士之惜别晚会 她在会上非常伤感地告诉领事团的各国代表 挪威総领事馆即将於年底关闭 她也将离任回国 她特别感谢大家在过去三年多来给予她的支持和爱护 当晚并由休斯敦外交领事团团长秘鲁总领事摩理纳大使代表致词 他推崇斯郭彬总领事在促进挪威和德州合作做出之卓越贡献

我认识斯郭彬总领事是在二年前就任几内亚驻休斯敦名誉总领事时 参加了市长特纳主办的外交宴会 正好是同桌 她非常亲切地和我们交流 并為我介绍了许多国家的外交代表 我也告訢她多年前到过挪威首都奥斯陆 她们这个高度发达的工业化国家是全世界第三的石油出口国 是当前全世界最富有的国家之一并多次入选全球最幸福的国家 人均收入到达八万二千美元 仅次於卡塔和卢森堡 这个物產丰富山明水秀的国土 真是令人羡慕

这是个不断在变的世界 挪威是个富有小国但不断积极参与国际事务之国家 以斯郭彬博士之外交长才 今后必将会為国継续在国际和平作出贡献


Norwegian Consul General Will Return Home Soon

Last weekend we attended the farewell party of Norwegian Consul General, Dr. Hilde Janne Skorpen. She sadly told the members of the Houston Consular Corps that the consulate would close at the end of the year. She said that she would also leave the office and return home. She especially thanked everyone for their support and love in the last three years.

The Dean of the Consular Corps, Ambassador Rodolfo Coronado Molina, Consul General of Peru, represented all of us in praising her contribution in promoting cooperation between Norway and Texas.

I met Dr. Skorpen two years ago when we attended the Mayor's Consular Ball for the first time when I had just become the Honorary Consul of Guinea. She was so nice and introduced me to the other consuls at the party. We told her Norway is such beautiful country. We visited there five years ago. They are one of the richest countries in the world and it has been selected as the happiest nation in the world.

In this changing world, Norway is a small country, but it constantly participates actively in international affairs. We believe that Dr. Skorpen will continue to participate in diplomatic activities.

I told the Dean that we would like to host a farewell party for her before she leaves Houston.