社评1222 乌克兰总统将访问华盛顿

乌克兰总统泽伦斯基和美国总统拜登 将在白宫会晤, 并走访国会大厦在国会发表演说, 这是俄罗斯今年二月二十四日入侵乌克兰以来泽伦斯基首次出国访问。
乌克兰目前因能源短缺上百万人在寒冬中面临断电和寒冷之极大威胁, 拜登总统一再重申将继续支持乌克兰之防御将援助五千三百万美元用於能源基础设施,以及本月初宣佈高达二亿七千五百万元之军事援助方案。
美国政府目前陷入乌克兰战事有进退维谷之困难 ,这塲战争必须给乌克兰继续支持和援助 ,但是这塲战争是乎没有终止之日, 同时更造成欧洲各盟国面临政治経济大衰退, 是盟国们不愿见到而又无法承受的。
泽伦斯基之来访加强了各国给予的支援声势 ,他还是不断要向美国及北约组织伸手, 整个欧洲為了脸面及安全 ,也不得不継续支援。
乌克兰战事已打了十多个月, 俄罗斯也有民穷财尽之窘情 ,乌克兰也无法叫停, 要实现个公平之和平是十分困难之事。
The President Of Ukraine Will Visit Washington, D.C.
Ukrainian President Zelensky and President Biden will meet at the White House and visit Capitol Hill where Zelensky will give a speech to Congress. This is Zelensky’s first overseas visit since Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24th of this year.
Millions of people in Ukraine are currently facing a great threat of power outages and extreme cold during the winter months due to energy shortages. President Biden has repeatedly reiterated that he will continue to support Ukraine’s defense and will assist with $53 million for the country's infrastructure and $227 million for military aid.
The U.S. government is currently in trouble for advancing and repeatedly supporting the war in Ukraine, but it is determined to give Ukraine continuous support.
But the war has no end. The ongoing conflict has caused European allies of the U.S. to face a great political and economic disaster.
The war has been going on now for more than ten months. It looks very difficult for things to change, or for the warring countries to ever achieve a lasting peace.