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社评1223 美国国会即将通过巨额预算

社评1223 美国国会即将通过巨额预算


在共和及民主两党之协商下 全国1·7 万亿之总预算即将在参院进行表决后送交眾议院审议 其中八千八百五十八亿是国防支出 七千七百七十二亿是用於有关非国防方面之计划支出 在此庞大之预算之中 包括四百五十亿军援乌克兰及北约盟国


在预算中有四百五十亿在於援助乌克兰抵抗俄罗斯之入侵 其中九十亿是用於对军队之训练及薪资

这个龎大之预算预计将会得到民主共和两党之支持 但是也说明美国政府目前处於之窘境 对欧盟而言 乌克兰一塲输不起的战争

美国政府之预算逐年不断増大之中 而且赤字在在加大之中 今天在全球造成之通货膨胀及能源短缺 固然俄罗斯之入侵乌克兰是主因 但是疫情造成之生產失衡供应鍊中断 全球化停滞及中美贸易战 都造成了世界一片混乱

二零二二年已近尾声 我们寄望未来一年有新的希望新转机

Congress Is About To Pass A Huge Budget

Senate leaders unveiled a $1.7 trillion federal government funding bill including $772.5 billion for non-defense discretionary programs and $858 billion in defense funding.

The package also includes $45 billion in emergency assistance to Ukraine and NATO allies.

Over the weekend, both Democrats and Republicans were sharing their bottom line on various issues and the White House remained optimistic that agreement could be reached to avoid a government shutdown.

Senate Republicans are saying that Democrats must drop their demand for additional spending on domestic programs in order to get the bill passed by this weekend.

The U.S. government’s budget is increasing year-by-year and the deficit gets bigger and bigger. Today, inflation and energy shortages have been caused around the world. Although Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is the main reason, the pandemic also caused an interruption of the global supply chain and negatively affected the relationship between China and the United States, all of which caused chaos all over the entire world.

The year of 2022 is coming to an end. We all hope that there will be new advances towards peace and a new turnaround for the world in the coming new year.