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社评 1228 美国冻死人了

社评 1228 美国冻死人了


美国近代史以来最冷的风雪上週横扫纽约州北方城镇已经有二十七人因而冻死 包括科罗拉多州 肯塔基州在内之灾情 估计至少有四十九人死亡 消防人员表示 在风雪过后我们会发现多的伤亡

灾情最重的水牛城 目前正在清理道路善后 清除路障 预计会发现更多之遇难者 过去週末 因天气寒冷而取消了二千九百个航班 其中二千五百个是西南航空之航线

根据气象报告 水牛城曾经有近四十小时在寒冬风暴之侵袭 这是非常罕见之灾难 因集雪过深 许多救护车也被困在大雪之中他们反而变成被救之对象

拜登总统已经下令该区是重灾区 立即展开联邦政府给予之协助 并準备了许多速食发放给灾民

老实说 地球气候之变迁和暖化已经给人类带来了极热和极冷之气候 这也是我们面临之一大挑战

二〇二二年即将结束 回顾全球艰难困苦之三年加上战争及通货膨胀及新冠疫情之肆虐 我们深深体会到只有团结一致 才能克服困难 否则天灾人祸是无法避免的


                    People Have Died Because Of The Freezing Winter Storm

A deadly winter storm has bedeviled much of the country. In Buffalo, New York, the hardest hit city is faced with restoring power, checking homes and cars with expectations that more residents will be found dead.

At least 27 people have been found dead as a result of the storm. In New York’s Erie County, Buffalo was buried by up to 43 inches of snow.

When the arctic blast smacked the holiday weekend, nearly 2,700 flights were canceled. Of those, 2,500 are operated by Southwestern Airlines.

Indeed, in Buffalo, blizzard conditions were recorded for 37 straight hours. Even emergency and recovery vehicles were stuck in the snow and rescuers were rescuing the rescuers. Hundreds of vehicles were abandoned in the snow in Buffalo.

According to the records, there were 420 EMS calls that went unanswered and the death toll will be going up.

President Biden has already approved an emergency declaration for New York, freeing up federal resources to assist in the disaster-hit area.

At least 49 storm-related deaths have been recorded across several states including Colorado, Kansas, Ohio and Missouri.

To be honest, the changes caused by the warming of the global climate have brought extremely hot and cold weather to human beings which is now one of the major challenges that we are facing today.

The year of 2022 is coming to an end. Looking back over the last three years, we all have been crippled with Covid-19, the Ukraine war and inflation. We deeply understand that only by being united can we overcome these difficulties. Otherwise, natural and man-made disasters are inevitable.