美国新冠疫情日记4/29/2020 我们大家的美国梦

----- 雷根总统在白宫的最后演说
虽然新冠疫情正在无情地肆虐我们这块土地,我们更应该坚定雷根总统所言「移民立国」之精神, 大家继续同舟共济,不畏政客之威胁,他们不过是歷史上的过客,让我们大家一同努力重建经济大业,為我们热爱的土地贡献心力,因為这就是我们的家。
4/29/2020 写於 美国德州 陇勤白庄
The American Dream
Final Speech Of President Ronald Reagan At The White House
Early this morning, a very heavy storm woke me up. When I turned on the TV, many reporters were already reporting the news standing out in the rain. We want to salute all the news staffs in our area. They are equally doing the same important jobs like the medical teams trying to rescue the Coronavirus patients.
When I opened my bed light, I suddenly saw a copy of the late President Reagan’s final speech from the White House on my desk. This great politician said, “You can go live in Germany or Japan, but you can’t become a German or a Japanese, but anyone from any corner of the earth can come to America and become an American.
“The torch of Lady Liberty symbolizes our freedom and represents our heritage. It is that lady who gives us our great and special place in the world. We draw on our people and our strength from every country and every corner of the world, and by doing so, we are continually renewed and enriched thanks to each wave of arrivals to this land of opportunity. Here in America we breathe life into dreams and we create the future. If we ever closed the door to new Americans, our leadership in the world would soon be lost.”
After I watched this historical speech, I was so moved my tears just came down. How great was our leader, Ronald Reagan. His vision and his kindness really represented the American Spirit. This Republican president really understood that we are a nation of immigrants.
My dear sisters and brothers, even though our nation is facing an historical challenge today, we need to come together as one team to overcome this invisible enemy. We need to elect real leaders to lead our nation because this is our land and our home and we love this great country -- the United States of America!
4/29/2020 - Lee’s House, Houston, Texas