社评 0131 老友的关怀和支持

美国国会议员格林上週六在百忙之中仍然出席了上週六的第卄七届新年游园会, 他不但再次上台向我们大家家拜年, 而且对国际区之发展一直非常的关注。
就在上週他為我们国际区申请到二百万元之补助,用於改善我们的交通基建工作, 这比我们每年一百七十万年预算还多了许多。
他今天还告诉我,希望能召集更多之华人商家及领袖来反对德州议会正在醖酿禁止华人购买德州土地, 他非常气愤,这简直是一个反亚裔的恶法, 我们一定要集体出来大声以行动来反对这个法案。
三年前当新冠疫情来袭时 ,他也是第一位来关心的议员, 而且不断為我们争取到所需之防疫药物及口罩。
格林议员之选区已经被划除在国际区之外, 但是他对我们的关心从未减少。
多年来, 我们已经是手足情深的好兄弟, 只要他回到休斯敦, 一定会来参加我们的活动 ,凡是要请他帮忙之事, 一定会尽為相助, 他是位真正為人民服务的民意代表。
Our Brother Congressman Al Green
Our Congressman Al Green came to our Lunar New Year Festival celebration last Saturday. He delivered the greeting message. He is one of the best congressmen we have ever had. Not just because he cares for our community. His patience and contributions always give our community great help.
Through Al's help, just last month we got a two-million-dollar grant for the International District to improve our infrastructure and traffic from the federal government. I remember when the pandemic hit our community, Al was the first one who came to us and got all the help we needed for our community.
Congressman Al Green is our real brother. He never refuses the requests of the people and always does his best. He is the best representative we have ever had in this region.
Today he told me we need to call a meeting with the Asian Chinese community to protest a bill in the Texas Senate that wants to ban Chinese from buying property in Texas.
We are very fortunate that we have such a big brother to take care of us.
Al, we all thank you for your service to our community.