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社评0203 参议员要求中国释放毒犯

社评0203  参议员要求中国释放毒犯


德州美国参议员克鲁及柯尼週三在参院提案, 要求国务卿布林肯在下週访问北京时 要尽力促成德州休斯敦市民斯伟登从中国大陆之牢狱中释放。

克鲁参议员表示, 布林肯此行可能是拯救斯伟登最后一次机会, 他曾於二O一九年因犯毒而被判死刑, 但目前仍然尚未定譺并在上诉中。

布林肯定於下週前往中国访问,他是拜登政府上任两年多来前往北京访问级别最高之官员 ,也是2018 年以来首次到访中国的美国国务卿, 这次访问是中美两国领导人於去年十一月在印尼会晤后达成之协意, 但是一般认為, 布林肯将无法达成实质性之结果。

中美两国自从川普时代掀起之贸易战之后 ,近三年多来在科技、 金融、 外交及台湾问题一直在不断交锋, 所谓全球化及地球村之概念已遂渐消失 ,美国国内反华声浪不断, 布林肯可以谈判空间也会非常有限。

乌克兰已経有九百万难民流落各地, 战争是十分可怕, 大家记住, 我们都不应成為政客利益下之牺牲品。

  Blinken Visits China This Week

Texas senators Ted Cruz and John Cronyn introduced a resolution in the Senate on Wednesday urging the U.S. to "deepen and prioritize efforts to secure Mark Swidan’s release." Swidan is a Houston man who has been detained in China and charged with drug trafficking. 

Cruz said he is calling on the Biden administration, "to use all the tools at our disposal to secure his release, and for the government of China to finally release him and return him home." 

Swidan has been detained for the last ten years in China.

Secretary of State Blinken anticipated visit to Beijing is planned on February 5 and 6 and is the first visit by a senior U.S. official since China’s reversal of its Covid-19 policy. His last visit resulted in the two national leaders reaching agreement at last November.

Since the trade war started in Trump administration, China and the United States have been constantly fighting in areas including science, technology, finance, diplomacy and Taiwan issues. The concept of globalization and global village have gradually disappeared. Blinken’s room for negotiation will also be very limited.

Today we are witnessing more than nine million Ukraine refugees. The war is such a terrible thing. Remember that we should not be the victims of politics.