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社评 0211我们的挑战将永无止境

社评 0211我们的挑战将永无止境



怒气冲天的华亚裔人士在週六之大游行, 证明了华人在美国社会之觉醒和政治上极待争取之权利。

如果今天让德州制定法律,不让中国公民赌购买土地 ,这将是有请多极大之影响 ,首先是违反了美国立国及以移民建国之精神, 对於华人之宗祖国之歧视。

超过一百多年从修建铁路到数以百万计之华人精英参与了美国之建设,无论在科技、 金融 、医疗 、政府部门都有极大之贡献 ,难道这就要一笔勾消,把华裔视為二等公民吗?

我们要非常遗憾的指出, 如果这项禁令成真, 这必然会严重影响华人到德州之投资意愿, 将造成地產经纪之失业和经济之发展。

我们要呼吁德州参议院要悬崖勒马 ,立即取消此法案, 取除华裔公民之疑虑和不满。

Our Challenges Never End Now

Hundreds of angered Chinese Americans marched in Houston's Chinatown on Saturday and exercised and proved the right of Chinese people to awaken American society to a growing political struggle in their midst.

In the Texas Senate there is currently a bill under consideration that will try to prevent Chinese citizens from buying land in Texas. Passage of this bill will have a great and devastating impact on the Chinese community.

First of all, this bill violates the spirit of the founding fathers of the United States when, in fact, the nation has been built by immigrants.

More than one hundred years ago, Chinese labor came to this country to build the railroad. Later over the years, millions of Chinese elites have participated in the building of this great nation, whether it has been in the sciences, finance, technology or medical fields and they have made great contributions to the United States. So why are we treating them now like second class citizens?

We need to point out this law will do serious damage to our economy which will in turn lead to much unemployment and lost jobs and will cause much financial harm to the real estate industry.

We would like to call on the Texas Senate to decisively reconsider any further action and/or discussion on this bill, and furthermore, to withdraw it immediately from consideration for any further legislative action to rightfully respond to, and appease the united anger and dissatisfaction of the Chinese community.