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社评0306 这是华裔美人歷史上的关键时刻

社评0306 这是华裔美人歷史上的关键时刻



自从美国德州参院提出147 号法案以来 ,全美华亚裔掀起了有史以来最强烈之反弹行动 。包括游行示威请愿、做証和法律诉讼 ,我们对此真是喜忧参半。

华人百年前移居美洲大陆当初是一批劳工来修建铁路和苦力工作 ,但是近七十年来 多少华人到达美国以他们的智慧和力量 ,贡献给这块土地 ,当然我们也是这个国家的主人。

近年来随着时间之迁移 ,这个社会开始对华亚裔懐有许多歧视和怨恨 ,尤其是许多民意代表开始利用其政治权力,以不同之法案来发动对华裔之攻击 ,诸如限制华人购买土地等不法行為 ,我们一定要坚定反对到底。

今天在我们好友国会议员格林之筹组和支持下 ,邀请到从加州选出的华裔美国国会议员赵美心,定於本週六3/11/23 在史坦福中心举行千人行动大会 ,并邀请到华亚裔 拉丁裔 、非裔 、政商各界领袖共同抗议第147 号恶法。

我们非常乐见除了华裔之外 ,更有其他族裔人士共同结成坚强阵缐 ,為我们共同之政治利益而战。

This Is A Critical Moment For Chinese Americans

Welcoming Congresswoman Judy Chu Coming To Houston

Since the Texas Senate proposed Bill 147, Asian Americans in the United States have launched the strongest and fiercest response in history, including demonstrations, petitions, testimonies and legal challenges.

The Chinese who emigrated to the American continent a hundred years ago were a group of workers who came to build the railroad and worked at this difficult job. And for the last several years, many of us came to America to contribute our wisdom and strengths to this land we called home.

But in recent years this society has started to publicly express and display a lot of discrimination and anger against Asian decendents, especially against the Chinese. Many politicians now are publicly just using their power to sponsor a bill against, or specifically to ban Chinese from, buying real estate in Texas.

Today with the support of our good friend Congressman Al Green and Congresswoman Judy Chu we will sponsor a big rally in Houston, Texas, on Saturday, March 11th at 10:30 am at Stafford Center.

This rally will also be joined by leaders including state and local elected officials and leaders from the African and Latino communities.

We are now learning to team up with other ethnic groups to be a unified force to fight for the political future of all people.