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社评0312 我们大家站出来

社评0312 我们大家站出来


今天上午在德州休斯敦斯坦福中心举办的群眾大会,是华裔美人歷史 上重要的一页。

由美国国会议员格林及赵美心参与主导的大会联合了非裔、 亚裔、  拉丁裔及许多地方首长, 第一次聚会反对德州参院提出的禁止华 人购买土地案。

我们做為华裔的一份子 ,心中非常感激, 当我们深陷困境时 , 各族裔都伸出援手。

今天我们要非常慎重的宣佈 「美国少数族裔政治联盟」 在德州休斯敦正式开跑 ,也要呼吁全国各地之华亚裔同胞仿照此模 式,在全国各大城市发起群眾来反抗一些不合理之法案 , 这是我们当前唯一争取合法权益之途径。

We Are Creating A New Chapter Of Our History Together 

Today all of us joined together in support of the big rally at Stafford Center in Stafford, Texas. We have  combined Chinese, Asian, African American and Latino communities together along with political leaders from national, state and local governments to build an history making platform for an American Ethnic Alliance.

This is the first time in American history that we as ethnic citizens are all moving toward one goal and are united together in one strong front to fight for our political rights.

On the stage of ethnic unity today are U.S. Congressman Al Green, Sylvia Garcia, Texas State Senator John Whitmire. Texas State Representative Gene Wu, Ron Reynolds Fort Bend,  County Judge KP George, Commissioner Grady Prestage, Dexter McCoy, 

Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis,

Stafford Mayor Cecil Willis, Missouri City Mayor Rubin Elackatt,

Stafford City Councilwoman Alice Chen, NAACP Houston Chapter Chair Bishop James Dixon,   

LULAC Chair Hugo Monica,   

Attorney Dawn Lin,

Southwest District Chair Kenneth Li,

Chinese Community Center CEO Chi-Mei Lin, Chinese Civic Center President Yichuan Fan,  

United Chinese Americans President Haipei Shue and 

International District Chair Wea Lee.

Today we are facing the changing political and economic situation both at home and abroad. Asian Chinese and ethnic minorities are also facing an unprecedented crisis and most of the political power is in the hands of a very few politicians. They do whatever they want and use national security reasons as an excuse to steal political dividends.

The founding fathers of our country created a constitution for a free democracy and the rule of law. Over the years, many civil rights leaders have paid with their blood and their very lives in the fight for equal justice for all people across all the diverse layers of society.


At today's event, we are so happy that we have formed the “American Ethnic Political Alliance” in Houston, Texas. Together we will hold hands and go forward to fight for the legitimate rights for all people.

Photo By :

Marie D. De Jesus, Houston Chronicle