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社评0317 州政府今起接管休斯敦教育学区

社评0317  州政府今起接管休斯敦教育学区


经过四年的法律诉讼程序之后,徳州教育局今天正式宣布将接管休斯敦教育学区。 一般认為,这是共和党控制之州,政府要对地方教育推动保守之改革计划。

市长特纳认為这次接管行动是不要的, 他认為会造成家长们之焦虑。 参议员本第可指称,学区委员们之无能和贪腐是应该由州政府接管来改善, 否则学区之情况是无法得到改善。


老实说 ,大休斯敦地区许多地方都是在贫困地区, 财税收入相对比较少,因而影响到了学区之预算经费, 加上治安情况不佳, 形成了恶性循环。 这裡居住有许多单亲家庭和政府支助的贫民住宅单位 ,他们每天都在為生存奔波 ,对孩子教育相对无法兼顾。

教育是国家建设及未来的根本基石, 我们建议对休斯敦学区进行大规模之改善来解决这些根本问题, 要减少一些政治口水战, 孩童之前途才是最重要, 这也是大休斯敦市民共同之责任。

The State Of Texas Takes Over The Houston Independent School District 

After four years of legal struggles, the Texas Education Agency took over the Houston Independent School District today. It is generally believed that this is a conservative reform plan for Houston's local education system.

Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner believes that this takeover is unnecessary. He believes that it will cause much anxiety for all parents and students. Some Republican senators continue to believe that because of the incompetence and corruption of the school board, the school district should be taken over by the state. 

Because the action of the takeover has aroused such fierce opposition from the public and most politicians, many believe that this is a political action taken by the Republican Party that holds the governing power in the state's legislature.

To be honest, many area schools in Houston are in very poor condition. Funds in the tax base are much less here than in other school districts. There are many single-parent families here who live in government-supported housing projects and most of them are working just to survive. It is impossible for parents struggling under these conditions to deal with their children's education matters. 

We really want to urge all parts of 

our community to help improve the condition of our school system. The very future of our next generation, as well as the future of our community,  depends on a good education for all students. This is our responsibility to actively devote and share our resources to make the Houston Independent School District a better place to insure a stronger future for all in our community.