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社评 0328 枪杀悲剧何时了

社评 0328 枪杀悲剧何时了


一名二十八岁的女子週一上午在田纳西州纳什维尓市私立基督教学校中锁上校门枪杀了年仅九岁之三名学童及三名成人, 兇手也被警方当塲击毙 。

这家私立学校是在二千零一年创辧,目前有学生二百人,从学前教育到小学六年级。 他们是在当天上午在校园中手牵手走向教堂时被兇手开枪射害的。

据警方表示,兇手哈利女士是一名变性女子,是经过严密计划后才行兇, 而且她也是该校校友, 她手持半自动来佛步枪及二支手枪, 準备大开杀戒。 

在这塲悲剧中,该校校长孔西也中枪身亡, 这场悲剧再次引起全国震惊。 拜登总立即发表衷悼并呼吁国会迅速立法限制购买杀伤性武器之贩售。

我们也要非常痛心的指出, 这次校园兇杀案之不断上演, 真是使得大家人心惶惶, 而且是发生在校设较好,维安较严的私立学校。

今天的悲剧, 再度使我们䧟入极度之悲伤和无奈, 多少家庭之心肝孩童和亲人死在这些毫无人性的兇手枪下, 到底是為什広 ?我们感到这𠆤社会真的生病了。

Our Society Is Really Sick Now 

A heavy armed 28-year-old woman shot through a locked school door and killed three 9-year-old children and three staff members, including the head of the school, in Nashville on Monday.

The shooter with an assault rifle and two hand guns was killed by police.

The school was founded in 2001    as a ministry of the Covenant Presbyterian Church. It has an average enrollment of about 200 students and it teaches preschool through 6th grade. 

The shooter has been identified as 28-year-old Audrey Hale. She had been a student at the school. When she entered the school, she opened fire on the children and staff members. The shooter had drawn    a detailed map of the Covenant school and police also have located a manifesto that she had written and they are reviewing it.


President Biden called the shooting at the Nashville school, “heartbreaking, and a family's worst nightmare." He urged the Congress to pass an assault weapons ban because he said, " We need to do more to protect our schools."

According to current statistical data, the Nashville shooting is the 129th shooting in the U.S. so far in 2023. 

Today’s tragedy once again makes us feel extremely sad and helpless. How many families' other children and relatives are now suffering because of this woman's misguided,  inhuman and tragic act? Our society is really sick now.