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社评0412 全民笼罩在枪支阴影之下

社评0412 全民笼罩在枪支阴影之下


随着週一上午,肯德基州,路易维市银行,枪杀事件有五人遇害九人受伤, 上週在南卡罗莱州高中有六人被杀,之后在纳斯维之教会学校再有六人被枪杀,其中三人是未成年之孩童。

 这一连串之惊人事件, 造成我们的社会人心惶惶。根据刚发布的调查显示有一半的美国人,曾经有过受枪隻有关事故之影响,包括许多曾经经歷过枪战被人恐吓或死於枪下, 换言至, 每五人中就有一人曾经被人以枪支恐吓 ,百分之十九的人口之家庭成员死於枪下。

截至今年為止, 全美各地已经有一百四十五起枪杀案, 在今年年初,二十四周内已经有三十九起兇杀案。报告中指出, 三分之一的非裔及拉丁裔族群,每天都焦虑受到枪杀之威胁 ,而白人当中只有百分之十。更有百分之三十五之人口表示, 他们再不会到大型演唱会 、酒吧及夜总会这些大型埸所, 有四分之一人说他们不再乘座地铁等交通工具。

我们要非常遗憾地指出, 枪支泛滥已经严重威胁到我们每一个人之生活方式, 就连六岁孩童也持枪杀人, 真是不可思议之极。我们恳请拜登总统,及国会诸公,必须拿出良心和智慧,来立法阻止枪支之管制 ,来救援这个已经处於恐惧不安之社会。

Employees Under Threat Of A Gun

According to a survey, more than half of the American population has experienced a gun-related incident.

Around 1 in 5 adults, or about 21%, said they had personally been threatened by a gun, while 19% said they had a family member who was killed by a gun. 

This finding comes amid a recent wave of gun violence in the U.S. Just this past Monday, a gunman opened fire on employees in a bank building in downtown       Louisville, Kentucky, killing at least five people and injuring nine others. 

Last week in a Christian school, a gun wielding woman killed six people, three of them were students. There have been at least 145 mass shootings in the country so far this year. 

Among people of color, gun violence is especially common, while many factors, including income and education, are some of the strongest demographic contributors.

Among the people responding to a survey, many indicated that they try to avoid places with large crowds, including music festivals, bars and night clubs. 

This gun violence has already become a national crisis. Now we are urging President Biden and our lawmakers to find a way that we can control the violence from handguns and automatic weapons.

Time is running out. If we cannot protect the safety of our citizens, how can we talk about other issues and civil right?