社评0415 希拉贾克逊李正式宣佈竞选休斯敦市长

美国国会最资深之国会议员希拉贾克逊李日前宣佈将角逐下任休斯敦市市长, 这将使这塲选战日趋激烈。
她的选战将从週五之群眾大会到各项媒体之宣传同时啟动, 参加选战的还包括州参议员惠德迈及上次未能选上的百万富豪巴士比等近十位候选人 ,其中惠德迈参议员已经有竞选经费近一千万元。
希拉贾克逊李是目前国会中最赋盛名之议员, 她从1995 年就已经当选上了代表休斯敦城中区之国会议员。她目前担任国会预算及司法委员会委员, 也是非裔国会议员之副党鞭, 她是位立场激进之领袖人物。
休斯敦巿是全美第四大城市, 市长権力龎大,其下属有员工及警员上万人之多, 每年市政府预算在数十亿美元以上。
过去二十年来, 几乎都是民主党当政 ,近年来由於外来人口之激增, 市政基础建设无法跟上发展之脚步, 许多建案都被拖延, 造成很多民怨,加上治安不断败坏, 目前所有候选人都把改进治安為首要政见。
我们要慎重呼吁, 华亚裔团体应该立即行动, 加入助选行列, 出钱出力实际参与各项活动 ,為我华人争取政治上之权利。
Representative Sheila Jackson Lee Enters The Houston Mayor’s Race
Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee officially entered the Houston Mayor’s race last week. She has filed to run with the City Secretary’s office, launched a website and sent a video message to a forum for the mayoral candidates.
State Senator John Whitmire was the first candidate to announce a run for the Mayor's office back in November of 2021. Whitmire also has amassed an election 'war chest' in the millions of dollars to support his election campaign.
Also now included in the field for the race for Mayor are former City Councilwoman Amanda Edward, Attorney Lee Kaplan, Councilman Robert Gallegos and former Metro Chair Gilbert Garcia.
Houston is the fourth largest city in America. We are also the most diverse city in the nation. We all hope that everyone will participate in this important race for Mayor of Houston.
Because public safety has become such a very critical issue for our city, all of the candidates will need to address this very important issue. If we don’t have a safe community, it will be very difficult to attract people to come to our city and make Houston their home and do business here.