社评 0502 王福生兄走了

昨天刚从国外回来,得悉媒体人福生兄走了, 心中一阵悲慟。 他是我们多年来的伙伴挚友,我常对他说 :“你真行, 什麼集会你都知道。” 我常参一些社区活动, 经常见他手持相机并作现塲直播, 他所经营之网站 ,透过他一双勤劳的双手, 可谓享誉华人世界。
近年来, 由社会经济和科技之巨变, 传统和新媒体激起了巨大之变化。 全美各地之传统中文纸媒已经所剩不多, 新社群媒体因应而生, 因而造就了许多自媒体。 王兄就是其中之典型, 然而, 如何争取客户广告之支持能產生经济效益, 维持生计也是一项挑战 ,王兄放弃了自己之专业坚持做𠆤媒体人, 是令人敬佩之选择。
在我们近二十多年之情谊, 他不但每周提供為美南日报社区画页, 并且经常為我们的活动做实况转播, 有时我看见在报社大厅一幅疲备不堪之模样, 我问他一切都好 ,他总是微笑以对。 如今他带着多少人及无数读者之思念, 走完了短暂的旅程 。
西去路遥慢步行, 从此天堂了红麈 。希望你一路走好 ,你在新闻媒体事业中已经尽力了。
Brother Alex Wang Has Left Us
He Will Be Greatly Missed
I just came back from abroad yesterday and learned that Alex Wang has passed away. He has been our friend for many years.
I often told him that, "You are everywhere." I saw him on many occasions holding his camera and doing live broadcasts. The website he created through his hard work is very well known in the Chinese world.
In recent years, the changing of the social economic media and the new technology alongside traditional and new media have provoked great changes. There are not so many Chinese newspapers left in America. As a result, the new social media has evolved and been created accordingly, thus creating many self-made media people. Alex is one of them. However, how to survive financially in this time of media change is a very difficult task. Alex gave up his career as a computer professional and dedicated himself to being a full-fledged media person.
Over our friendship of more than twenty years, Alex not only provided photos for columns and articles in our daily newspaper, but also often broadcasted live for our events. Sometimes I saw him looking very tired. I often asked him, "Are you doing OK?"
Now Alex is gone. Many of his fans and friends will miss him very much.
Alex, we hope you will walk slowly forward to the west. From then on, it will be a paradise. We hope you have a good and peaceful journey. You have done very well and your very best on this earth as a first-rate media person.