社评0503 柯P的諍言

上週五在台北会见了甫自美国访问美国归来的前台北市长也是民眾党主席的柯文哲 ,他在见面时首先表示, 他此行见过许多美国国会及行政部门之高官, 令他印象最深刻的是目前美国之反华情绪非常高涨,前所未有。
参加会面的十多位美国侨学各界和平之旅访台团 ,皆是当年从台湾来到美国留学、 创业之侨学界代表, 有鍳於两岸兵兇战危,為了避免一场毁灭性之战争, 海峡两岸的执政当局必须应用智慧来进行沟通, 以免让台湾变成了乌克兰 。访问团先后拜访了台湾五大政党, 包括国民党 、民进党 、新党、 及民眾党。
柯主席对於美国国内情势之观非常正确, 目前美国之反华情绪已经严重地影响到华亚裔之生存和前途。 我们必须瞭解, 在一般美国人眼中, 由於们亚裔族群有共同之肤色,因此反华就会变為反亚裔, 最近一连串反对中国人购买房地產及进入大学之法案,就是另一波反华运动之开端 。
今天我们因此要结合拉丁裔、 非裔及其他亚裔组成联合阵线, 来对抗不公不义之邪恶势力。
Chairman Ke’s Advice
On Friday of last week, we met with Chairman Ke, the former Mayor of Taipei, who had just returned from his visit to the United States. He told us that he had met many senior officials and members of Congress while there. What impressed him the most was the growing anti-China sentiment in the United States.
More than fifteen repressed Chinese American citizens from all walks of life recently organized a peaceful mission to Taipei. They wanted to promote a peaceful conclusion to the Taiwan Strait issue. In order to avoid a devastating war, the ruling party must use their wisdom to communicate so as not to turn Taiwan into another Ukraine. The peace mission group visited all the political parties inTaiwan with their plea for increased dialogue and cooperation.
Chairman Ke’s view of our domestic situation is very correct. At the present time, the anti-China sentiment in the United States has seriously affected the survival and future of the Chinese American community. We must understand that in the eye of ordinary people in the U.S., because Asians have a common skin color, anti-Chinese sentiment will soon expand and become anti-Asian.
This is the exact reason that we need to be united with Latinos, Africans and other Asians and form a United Front to fight against the evil forces of discrimination and injustice.