社评0504 我们盼望中美关係解冻

美国驻中国大使伯恩斯最近在接受媒体时表示, 美国已经準备好与中国进行高层谈判,希望在两国之间建立更好的沟通渠道 。他说:“美国的大门是敞开的, 下一步关係之改善取决於北京的态度。”
伯恩斯𠄘认中美关係仍然复杂且充满竞争, 但是美国并不寻求和北京发生冲突和冷战, 他并且呼吁台湾问题应以和平之手段。
去年中美两国贸易额已增到六千八百亿美元, 目前在美国留学之中国学生近三十万人, 这种千丝万缕之关係是密不可分。
遗憾的是, 许多美国政客利用一些反华之情绪在地方议会及国会不断推出许多反中之法案, 严重影响了中美两国之长久关係和利益。
我们赞成伯恩斯大使之说法 ,但是也要以实际行动来解开双方之难题 。
近几年来, 由於疫情及俄乌战事, 世界局势丕变, 通货膨胀, 物价上扬 ,民不聊生 。如果中美两国无法解除纠纷, 共同面对乱局, 世界将无安寧之日。
( 图片来源: 路透社)
We Look Forward To A Better Relationship Between The U.S. And China
U.S. Ambassador to China Nicholas Burns recently said in an interview with the media that the United States is ready to conduct high-level talks with China, hoping to establish better channels of communication between the two countries. He said that, "The door of the United States is open. The next step toward implementing discussions on improving the strained relationship depends on Beijing’s attitude."
Burns admits that Sina-US relations "...are still complex and full of competition, but we don’t want to seek any conflict with Beijing and provoke another Cold War."
Burns also called for a peaceful resolution on all Taiwan issues.
Last year the trade volume between the two countries increased to $6,800 billion U.S. dollars. At the present time, nearly 300,000 Chinese students are studying in the U.S.
Unfortunately, many American politicians have used anti-China sentiment to introduce many anti- Chinese bills on the local level and in Congress which have seriously affected the long-term relationship and interests of both countries.
We agree with Ambassador Burns’ statement, but we still need to take practical and proactive actions to solve the difficulties.
In recent years, due to the pandemic and the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine, the world situation has changed dramatically. Inflation has gone up and prices of everything has surged. If China and the U.S., the world's two largest economies, can’t work together, the world will have no peaceful days in the foreseeable future.